1. Serendipitous

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"Even a true love can fade away if not given enough attention. People change. Situations change. It's not the end of you but the chance for a new beginning, a new chapter in your own book of love. Cherish the memories and move forward."          ~Jae Le

Two years away from each other took its toll on Friday’s sweethearts. Different universities that are hours apart with different schedules and different friends made it almost impossible to spend any time together. The longer it stayed this way, the further apart they grew. The agony of separation turned into the heartache of missing each other. That turned into the pangs of loneliness which eventually faded for both of them as they stayed busy with their studies and activities. Their breakup wasn’t crazy or emotional. There were only a few tears as the two friends hugged goodbye, cherishing all of the beautiful memories they shared. Phun went back to his top rated University that was his father’s alma mater. Noh returned to his University that specializes in the Arts. No one forgets their first real love but that doesn’t mean it has to be their last.

Two months later, Noh is sitting under a tree outside his dorm enjoying the slight breeze while tuning his guitar. The air conditioning went out in his room forcing him outside to escape the sweltering heat. He would so kill to have one of the corner rooms that have windows on two walls to catch the breeze, but no. He’s stuck in the damn middle to die from stale, hot air.

“The technician still hasn’t come to fix your unit?” Ohm walks up to him with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, not bothering with a greeting.

“Nope. It’s fucking hot enough to bake cookies in there.” Setting his guitar in his lap, Noh looks up at his best friend and takes note of the basketball shorts and blue tank top. Lately, Ohm has been really into keeping fit, going to the gym several times a week. His effort is paying off and Noh is sure that n’Mick is enjoying the results. “Off to the gym again?”

“Yep. Wanna join me?” Holding up his arm, Ohm makes his biceps pop with a smirk. “You could bulk up a bit. Add some muscle to that skinny ass of yours.”

“I’m hot enough as it is. You go have fun with your weights, asshole.”

“Suit yourself, twig-man.” With a smirk and a wave, Ohm walks towards the campus gym.

“I’m telling n’Mick that you were checking out my ass!” Noh shouts and Ohm flips him the bird over his shoulder without looking back.

“Asshole,” mutters Noh but a small smile lurks at the corners of his mouth.

After tuning the guitar, the tech guy still hasn’t shown up so Noh plucks at the strings. The notes flow together into a pleasant melody and Noh hums along, blending his voice with the guitar. Every once in awhile, he adds in a word or phrase as he is inspired.

“.............. Broken… my heart’s not broken… sweetheart, it’s not broken……… my heart still beats it’s rhythm… listen to the melody, filling up my soul… listen to the music and that’s when you know… my heart’s not broken… it’s not broken……..... We were good... we were young... we were everything that was anything, now we’re nothing… and that’s okay… we had our day…….... Life moves on as we fly away… maybe hide away… I don’t want to stay this way...…… but my heart's not broken… sweetheart, I’m not broken… anymore…………”

The sound of clapping fills the air as the last notes fade away, startling Noh. He looks up into big chocolate brown eyes that seem to dance in delight. It takes him a minute to tear his gaze away to notice that the expressive eyes are attached to an extremely cute face with full, pouty lips and topped with a mess of thick, brown locks.

“That sounded so amazing!” The kid is enthusiastic with his praise. At least, Noh assumes this guy is younger than him. He looks younger with his boyish features, slight build, and shorter stature. Although he looks like he belongs in high school, Noh figures that he’s more likely a first year since these are the university dorms. Fuck is he cute though, like crazy fucking cute. N’Mick is going to have to up his game because he has officially been bumped down to second place. “I’ve never heard that song before? What’s it from? Who wrote it?”

“No one wrote it. I just made it up.” Noh mumbles in reply, a bit uncomfortable with the jump his heart makes when the kid steps closer.

“You did? That’s just so WOW!” With a small laugh, the guy plops himself down next to Noh on the grass and pulls his knees up under his chin. His eyes widen and he hurriedly gives Noh a wai. “I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself yet. My name’s Rome. I’m a third year in the Arts & Communication Faculty.”

“Noh, third year, Music.” Eyebrows raised, Noh is surprised to find that they are the same age. He would have bet anything that Rome was a freshie.

“No surprise that you are in the Music department.” Rome laughs again and then those expressive eyes light up in excitement as he grabs Noh’s arm. “Actually, this is perfect! I really need some help with something and meeting you now is serendipitous!”

“Say what?” Noh is confused, not only with the fact that Rome is clinging to his arm like a baby koala, but also because this person he just met is already asking for a favor. This cannot be good. In no way can this be good.

“Serendipitous… it means fortuitous, lucky timing.”

“I know what it means,” grumbles Noh, seriously tired of people underestimating his vocabulary. Do they think lyrics just write themselves? Maybe throw a bunch of random words together and hope for the best?

“Sorry! I’m used to some of my friends who are total plebeians. Nice guys but reading anything is a foreign concept to them,” he jokes and it makes Noh laugh since he has a friend or two like that, too.

“What kind of help do you need?” As always, Noh can’t stop himself from wanting to help when someone asks… especially when it’s someone so adorable looking at him as if he just promised them a string of stars from the Milky Way.

“You’ll help me?” Rome asks in surprise. He thought it would take more convincing.

“Excuse me, students. I’m looking for Napat Nawahindakarn.” A large guy in dark blue overalls interrupts them. He’s staring down at the clipboard in his left hand with a tool box is in his other hand and a pair of black sunglasses covers his eyes.

“That’s me.” Noh puts away his guitar and stands up with a wai, not noticing Rome’s mouth dropping as he stares at him. Rome thought Noh was good-looking with his soulful golden brown eyes and smooth complexion with sharp features but, crouched on the ground with the guitar in his lap, he didn’t realize how hot his new friend really is. When Noh unfolds his tall, lean body, it has Rome almost drooling into his lap. Why are musicians always so sexy? Is it like a prerequisite? Did Rome just hit the jackpot? This guy has the looks, apparently is crazy talented, AND is a total nice guy (so far).

“I’m the maintenance technician. You have an a/c unit that needs repaired?”

“Yes! Thank you!” Hefting the strap to his guitar case over his shoulder, Noh turns toward Rome. “I have to go, now.”

“Oh… Right!” Shaking himself and blushing a bit from being caught staring, Rome jumps up and takes out a pen and a postit note from his backpack. After scribbling on it, he pushes the paper into Noh’s free hand. “This is my number. Call me when you’re done. I really could use your help.”

“Sure. I’ll see you later.” Nodding his head, Noh walks away, leading the technician into the building and up to his room. The small square of paper is held firmly in his hand and a smile unknowingly graces his face.

@LaceyRay Noona's Christmas present. She really likes her crack pairings and it definitely challenges me to figure out how to pair them up.

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