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Sorry for the kinda shorter chapter...


{Ty's POV}

I sat alone, one hand holding my small iPod and the other limp at my side. I stared out the window of my house. It was Saturday. Weekends were always the worst for me. It meant I would have to spend it alone with only my dad in a very small worn down house. I hated it here; and I especially hated my dad. I tried to avoid him as best as I could.

I sat on my bed and watch the rain fall down, plinking against my window as I listened to my music. I was always listening to my favorite music; the band Imagine Dragons. I loved their music. It made me feel better than anyone else. Better than the world. It was as if I was the ruler of the world as I listened to their songs, my feelings of everything else melt away. All my troubles drifted into thin air as I listened to music.

Even though I could escape my troubles through music, I couldn't escape the one trouble that was always on my mind. It never went away. Where in this terrible world could he be? Where was Sky?

The question would leave me be, and no one else in my group of friends either. It has been four more months. We only had a couple weeks left of school. Then Summer would come.

Sky would always have plans for the summer with us. He always had one of us over.

I smiled softly to myself as I though of him. I missed him a lot. Nothing was the same without him.

He could be anywhere; but where?

I continued to watch the rain fall, blocking out the sounds of my dad's angered yelling. Yelling at all the little things that bothered him. Like me . . .

{Sky's POV}

   I sat in a chair in the meeting room. That's what I called it now. It was the room that my dad used to discuss plans with me; me being the hamster in his experiments. The stupid mouse who knows not and will continue running through the maze, looking for an exit but to no avail.

My dad came in and sat opposite of me, his hand folded on the table. "Hello, son." He said, an uneasy smile on his face. I glanced at him, looking into his eyes. He has the same brown eyes as me. The difference? There was an evil glint of hope in his stare as mine were slowly growing dull.

"What do you want?" I mumbled to him. His smiled faded slightly.

"Do not speak to me that way," he said. I shrunk back a little, not liking his darker tone of voice. "Now then . . . you know how you've been improving on your teleportation skills?" I nodded slowly, remembering how many times I've been to that same long room, practicing teleporting.

I've always thought I could teleport out of this place, but unfortunately I've tried but can't get more than about 200 feet, and this place was like a maze. I accidentally teleported in a random hallway once and got lost. The guards found me a little bit later and wouldn't listen to me and I was punished. I still have the scars on my arm from a month ago . . .

"We are gonna start practicing something different now. Do you know what telekinesis is, Sky?" He asked and I tilted my head in confusion.

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