Chapter 11

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They all stood there in shock as Albert pointed the shotgun at them.  There was a look of determination and anger etched in his features as he glared at them.  It was obvious to them now that Albert had been putting on a act this whole time just to try and get them to trust him and stay here.   Now that he had realized they were serious about leaving and acting suspicious about him, he abandoned the act and was showing them his true crazy colors.  His eyes shown no sign of kindness like they had before, only darkness was prominent in them.   The boys all stood there paralyzed by fear and shock.  Dougie had an idea that he crazy and something like this could have happened, even Tom realized this guy was trouble, but as for Harry and Danny they were stunned.  Harry finally broke the heavy silence.

"Albert mate, what are you doing?" His voice appeared to be strong, but on the inside he was feeling anything but that.

"You boys are going to come along with me. Okay?" He questioned, although it really wasn't a question when there was a gun aimed at you.

Before anyone had a chance to comprehend what to do next, Danny pulled the door open and bolted out of it. Albert blasted a shot from the shotgun, but missed blowing a piece of the door away. Harry was just about to follow suit, but Albert took notice and aimed the gun directly at his head.

"Any of you move a muscle and I will shoot." He threatened. The sound of a car engine was heard from outside, giving the guys hope that maybe it was Danny making a getaway. To there disappointment a big bulky man with a huge black beard walked through door, which now had a chunk blown out of it.

Albert made eye contact with the lumberjack looking man. "One of them made a run for it, go and get 'em while I deal with his friends."

"Sure thing Albert." The man responded with a dark husky voice. They noticed he carried a shotgun similar to the one Albert had.

"Thanks Joe." Albert told the man while he turned to go look for Danny. "Now you three are going to follow me and then no one will get hurt."

He directed them to walk down the hallway, where the bathroom and his bedroom were located. There was another smaller door which was across from the bathroom, that they assumed was just a closet earlier. They opened it to reveal a steep set of stairs that led down to a dark concrete room.

There wasn't much to the room. It was practically bare. With nothing but cracks in it's grey walls and floors, it looked like the kind of room that would drive someone insane. The only things in the room were a few shackles hung from the walls and a couple cages sitting on the ground that looked big enough for a large dog to go in. Since there was no electricity in the house the only source of lighting was a spot on the wall for a candle and a very small window near the top of the wall in a corner of the room.

He slid the door up, opening one of the cages on the floor. Looking at Dougie he gestured for him to crawl in. "Come on boy, don't got all day." He muttered after Dougie made no attempt to move. After Dougie still didn't move and just continued to stare at him like he was crazy, he started getting more irratated. Without hesitation he used the butt of his gun to hit Dougie with in the face, hard. He went down yelling out in pain. "I said get in the cage!" Albert exclaimed.

This pissed both Tom and Harry off, but Tom being much more timid than Harry stood paralyzed while Harry advanced on Albert. "Leave him alone, or I swear to god." Harry threatened while pulling his fists back getting ready to give him a good punch.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Albert said while aiming the gun at Harry. He resorted to bunching up his fists at his sides instead, but gave Albert a death stare. Tom noticed that Albert was focusing his attention to Harry and saw this as a chance to escape. Without giving it a second thought he rushed up the steps and pulled on the door. Unfortunately for him, the door didn't budge.

"Door locks from the inside." Albert explained as he noticed Tom struggling to open it. "Didn't think it would be that easy to get away now did ya?" He questioned.

"What do you want with us?" Tom questioned his voice shaking with fear as he slowly walked back down the steps.

"I want you to all get in these cages. Maybe this one, in these shackles." He said as he gestured towards Harry who was still busy glaring at him. Harry had never wanted to punch someone in the face so bad as he did right now. But he had to control it, our it could be a death wish.

Dougie had stood back up. There was a huge mark forming around his eye down to his cheek bone. Albert had really hit him hard. Seeing Dougie's face only added to Harry's anger. He didn't only want to punch Albert at this point, oh no he wanted to do much worse to the man.

"Why do you want us to get in the cages?" Tom asked trying to figure all this out.

"You'll find out in time." Was all Albert said. "Now in the cage with ya." He looked at Dougie again. "Do I have to hit ya again?"

Not wanting to feel that again Dougie crawled into the cage feeling utterly defeated. Albert closed the cage door and locked it. Dougie felt completely smushed. He could barely sit up normal, instead he had to be in a crouched position and he was a small guy. Plus the bottom of the cage was made up of bars and wasn't even slightly comfortable to be sat on.

Albert opened the cage door next to Dougie and looked at Tom. "Get on in." Tom reluctantly crawled in. He was having a much harder time fitting in the cage than Dougie. Once he was completely in Albert closed the door and locked it like he had done with Dougie.

"Now, you're going in the shackles." He said to Harry.

He grabbed his wrists and locked them up. They held his arms up above his head tightly to the wall so he couldn't move much. "Fuck you." Harry spat in his face as he finished chaining him up.

Danny couldn't believe that he had gotten away so easily, now all he had to do was find someone to get help and rescue his friends. He was still in complete surprise about Albert. Sure the guy seemed a little strange, but he never thought he would try and shoot them.

Danny felt like he had been running through the forest for miles, but he didn't let himself slow down. He couldn't, not until he knew he was a safe distance away from Albert. Although the burning in his throat and pain in his sides told him otherwise. He would need to stop and take a breather soon. Eventually he found a larger tree and stopped behind it. He crouched with his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath. He heard the sound of footsteps nearby. He could hear each step crunching into the snow. Maybe it was just an animal, but he couldn't be sure.

After he had regained some of his energy, he was off running again. He decided he couldn't stay still much longer just in case it wasn't an animal's footsteps he had been hearing. The sound of a gun going off, made his worst fears come true. It wasn't an animal. Unless deer's were taking up gun lessons. Fortunately they missed him and hit a tree nearby instead. He kept darting in and out of the trees. He briefly looked to see if he could see where his attacker was.

He caught sight of a man with a large black bushy beard running after him shotgun in hand. He expected to see Albert, and not a strange big man. He didn't have time to think about it much, right now the only thoughts he had was to keep running and avoiding the bullets.

He keep a good distance between the man. Every time the guy tried to shoot at him, he had to stop and aim, which gave Danny an advantage to get farther and farther ahead. The man hadn't managed to actually hit Danny, he came close once and grazed the side of his shirt, but never actually hit him.

After a while of a game of hunt and prey, Danny noticed the trees were starting to clear out. He could hear a faint sound of a car engine rumbling. Then it clicked, he was approaching a road. "HELP! HELP!" He screamed out with all his energy while he was approaching the road.

He was so focused on getting to the road and catching the attention of someone, he didn't notice how close the man had gotten to him. This was his chance to finally catch his prey. He crouched down took aim and took a shot.

"HEL.." Danny was suddenly silenced by a bullet tearing through his head. Right before he had reached the road, he fell to the ground his hand just barely reaching it, which was now coated in blood and brains.

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