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Authors Note: Hey I've been wanting to write this for a while, will try to update once a week. If you like please vote! Also I enjoy reading comments


That night blood flowed in the streets. 

A long fight between villains and heroes ensued with losses on both sides. The infamous organization Yahorza was full of criminals simply looking to make money from their activities, but also had psychopaths looking to torture and kill for fun. It had been only a matter of time before the heroes had to destroy the organization for good.

All Might, Endeavor, along with many other top heroes and even rookies took part in the mission. Yahorza had kidnapped multiple heroes and civilians alike performing cruel quirk experiments if not just killing them for the joy of it. 

The battle took part in the north part of the large metropolis of Shizuka. The area was known for its criminal activity and overall poverty and destitution the people lived in. The raid started and finished in an old apartment complex with destruction spreading for miles around. 

When the building was finally taken scene inside could only be described as atrocious and disturbing. Evil had been here.

The broken corpses of many missing civilians and heroes were found. Evidence of torture and quirk experiments apparent on them all. For heroes like All Might, the discovery broke a something deep within him. Sometimes it was so damn impossible to save everyone. And now this complete failure by the heroes and police to stop Yahorza earlier stung them all. 

Outside the building, the lights of the police and ambulances lit the night with an ominous aura. The police were arresting and transportation villains to multiple secure facilities for prosecution. Two of those captured were a couple in their late twenties, now passed out and injured. 

One policeman searched a database soon recognizing them as the Yanaihara's. Definitely some of the higher-ups within the organization he thought.  They too were taken to confinement elsewhere within the city. Some of the villains were dead along with heroes. The paramedics helped those where still possible.

However, a break from the death occurred at the location of six civilians within the basement of the old building. They all had injuries, but nonetheless were alive. Finding them helped at least add even just a little bit of success to the overall mission. They were able to rescue at least a few people. It may not be a lot, but it was something. 

Down in the basement, the paramedics helped those still alive and wheeled them off. Their blood stained clothes told an obvious story. The small fragment of optimism All Might had when he heard six civilians were found alive was short lived when he saw the rest of the scene in that area of the basement. Many already lay there dead on the ground. He clenched his fist in anger at the villains and at himself. 

His close friend Naomasa Tsukauchi of the police force was working on identifying the dead. Some of them had clearly only recently died. The smell of blood permeated the air, seemingly trapped by poor ventilation. 

Tsuckauchi walked up to All Might. "Toshinori, there is something off here." 

"What?" All Might mirrored his serious expression. 

He pointed to one of the dead. 

"That's Tyrannic Steel, a villain." All Might barely recognized him.

"Exactly, some of the dead here are actually villains. Although they were certainly all killed before we arrived. Moreover are their injuries. A specific type of quirk had to have caused this damage."

All Might nodded. "It's hard to say who would have gone up against the Yahorza besides us and is surprising either way." 

All Might stood there deep in thought before Tsuckauchi finally put a hand on his shoulder. "Listen Toshinori it's been a long night. You should get some rest. Let the police handle everything from here on out."

All Might sighed but agreed in his exhaustion. He looked at the scene once more, before avoiding the press and heading home. 

Tsuckauchi and the rest of the police continued surveying the area. As he walked into one of the rooms he heard a faint noise. He looked around trying to find the source when he finally realized where.

Behind the open door sat a small figure with hair as dark as night. He flinched at first suspecting a villain. The figure remained grounded to the floor. Tsuckauchi knelt down next the person to be met with the light blue eyes of a young girl wet from crying. Her matted black hair covered most of her face. She had to be only eight or so. Blood and bruises could be seen on her arms and legs. How had no one seen her yet?

Tsuckauchi looked at her concerned. "Can you get up?" He held out a hand to her, but she sat she set there unmoving not answering his question. He had a lot of patience though. 

"What is your name?" He asked a gently as a could with a slight smile. She looked up at him again, tears still running down her face. "It's okay you can tell me." 

She sniffed. "A-Airi Y-Yanaihara." He was shocked for a moment recognizing the last name, but did his best not to let it show. "My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, but you can just call me Naomasa." He said.

He called out to no one in particular. "Can I get a paramedic over here?" The girl froze, she didn't want to deal with anyone else. 

Someone came over to help and they were finally able to get the girl on her feet. Tsuckauchi was startled at the amount of blood covering her clothes. They took her out of the building letting Airi sit on a gurney while being checked for injuries. The sound and light of police cars, ambulances, and now reporters filled her surroundings. It was all so confusing, she couldn't wrap her mind around what happened. 

"Don't worry it will okay now. They'll take you to a hospital and get everything sorted out." Said Tsukauchi. She'd stay at a hospital for a few days and later be taken in for processing. They'd have to ask her many questions. It was hard to say what her fate would be, but typically children of villains usually only had one place to go, an orphanage, unless they had other family willing to take them in. However, that wasn't very common and when it came to getting adopted people didn't want children of villains especially in today's hero infused society. 

He felt pain for her and all the others that had been affected that night. 

As Airi rode away in an ambulance she looked back at the old apartment building that had been her home as long as she could remember. What would happen to her now she wondered? 

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