Chapter 5

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"Where's David?" Max asked as he woke up and went to the mess hall with Nikki and Neil.

"Dunno," Neil replied. But as they walked over to the mess hall, Neil found a body washed up near the pier. He walked over to the body and saw burnt umber hair (Dark red). "What the fuck?!"

"Is that David?" Max asked. Neil nodded. "I'll go get Gwen."

"Tell her to get the other campers," Neil replied. Max ran off and told Gwen about what happened. A few minutes later, all the campers gathered around David's body.

"Dammit David," Gwen sighed.

"How did David die?" Dolph asked. "Did he drown?"

"I heard that there was an earthquake that happened last night," Ered explained. "I felt some aftershocks and I heard a loud dunk in the water. I went to look and one of the power lines fell into Lake Lilac."

"How didn't you see David's body?" Max asked. Ered simply shrugged.

"It looks like David was electrocuted," Neil confirmed. He then turned around. "Don't you guys see? This is Death's work."

"How will we know who's the next victim?" Harrison asked.

"It could be any of us," Nerris added. Neil took out the piece of paper he wrote on earlier when everybody was in the amusement park.

"Now that David's down," Neil checked, "Death will go after Gwen."

"Excuse me?" Gwen asked in a doubtful tone.

"You're the next one to die," Neil continued. "After you, Death will come for Tabii, then Dolph, Ered, Harrison, Nerris, Nurf, Space Kid, Max, Nikki, me and then Preston."

"Wasn't one of the ways to cheat Death was new life?" Space Kid asked. 

"But what did William mean 'new life'?" Nurf asked. "We just start fucking each other and hope the babies come out."

"I just remembered something," Gwen realized. "I heard in different articles about people who've temporarily died and were brought back to life because of CPR."

"What are you implying?" Max asked.

"I must kill myself temporarily and hope you guys resucitate me," Gwen replied. "That's new life. But before I jump in the water, raise your hand if you know how to do CPR." Nikki, Neil and Max raised their hands. "I will be counting on you guys to bring me back. Good luck."

Gwen walked over to the pier and took a deep breath in. Adrenaline was running through her whole body and she was starting to doubt her actions. She then walked back to the campers. 

"I can't do it," Gwen sighed. "I... just can't... do it." Everybody looked at each other in confusion.

"Why can't you do it?" Neil asked.

"I just can't," Gwen sharply replied. "After seeing David dead in the water, I just can't." Her eyes started welling up and she walked over to her cabin. As she closed the cabin door, she started sniffling a bit. 

She then picked up David's photo book and looked at all the pictures with him and herself. She then got David's phone and scrolled through the photos. "Why didn't I tell him that I liked him? I'm such an idiot." To take her mind off of David, she went in the bathroom to tend to the laundry because Camp Campbell didn't have any washers and dryers. The laundry was held up by a thin rope.

Meanwhile with the campers, everybody was talking to each other about the weird occurrences that happened.

"Hey guys," Neil spoke. "I'm gonna check on Gwen."

"What for?" Max asked. "Besides, that's a bad idea."

"I saw her tearing up," Neil replied.

"Gwen crying?" Max wondered. "That's not something you see everyday." Neil walked over to Gwen's cabin.

Neil opened the door and cautiously walked inside. "Gwen?" He then heard some gross noises in the bathroom. He cautiously walked inside and saw Gwen choking on the rope that was holding up the laundry. "I'll get you out somehow!"

Gwen kept struggling and struggling to breathe until Neil found a knife underneath Gwen's bed. He quickly ran over to Gwen and cut the rope.

"Oh," Gwen sighed as she was coughing and trying to catch her breath. "Thank you Neil. I should've known that Death would try and choke me to death."

"But the thing is," Neil explained, "because I intervened from you dying, it's Tabii's turn to die. But soon as everybody else dies, Death will come for you, since you didn't originally die."

"Let's just head back to the campers," Gwen suggested. She and Neil power walked to the other campers.

"Where were you guys?" Nurf asked.

"Appearantly," Gwen replied, "there was a stream of water coming from the toilet. I slipped on it and I was being strangled by a rope hanging the laundry. If it wasn't for Neil, I'd would've been long gone."

"But there's something else," Neil blurted. "Because I intervened, once all of us are dead, Death will come for Gwen. Also, Tabii is the next to die."

"How do we stop Death?" Dolph asked. 

"Unless one of us can put his/her life on the line to save us all," Max sighed angrily, "then we all just have to be very careful."

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