Meeting my real mom's pack the sundown pack

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Ted's P.O.V

i smell a different wolf next to my mother its Seamus Potter as he shaked hands with me my husbad is already done with the council "hi i am your new step dad names Seamus what a firm hand he can really break my hand Beau" as he said to my uncle "let him go thats Ted he doesn't know new packs since your married Cora he loved his mother than you do thats why he's a black belter and a real temper witch hybrids are dangerous even not a tamed one his twin brother Griffin is a much behaved one more mild than Ted he's the hot tempered Luna its okay he wont hurt your mother Ted oh great thats Robert" 

i let go of seamus as i snapped out "oh sorry i got panic attacks often i tend to have a firm grip dont worry i have magic to heal broken hand sorry i am not familiar with other clans thats why i am protective with my family i am okay uncle Beau Papa!" as i said to the biker guy who was my muscled grandfather long flowing hair and beared "my little apple seed your here in the town i missed you so much six and a half and a jolly cheek bones like Cora boy you sure grown up child and heavy one too oh boy he's carrying Robert's children its kicking sorry Seamus Ted doesn't know you at all its okay i wanna meet your father king Tristan where is he Robert?"

"taking care of my other 10 year old pups Dad well Dad here they are from the town they come to live with us and well another werewolf Dad" as my grandfather sniffed him "an outsider are you a spy whats this Cora you know its forbidden to marry a outlander he's not part of our family"

"he is now Dad i hope you will accepted him and his family save Ted and us okay he saved my big brother being beheaded too i admit i am not a good mother after i gave them to Christine now Ted have many kids and he needs my help and guide him its about time they meet my family i am sorry we can talk this in private Beau you know Ted is hostile when it comes to new mates look Ted Seamus wont hurt me okay i love him and he's a nice guy like your father well your dad's a handsome man in years as a play boy Prince working as a sheriff in safe heaven well my dad and your grandfather agreed the matrimony till its cut off due to Christine your half brother's family but alas she's dead along with them you survived Ted and well Griffin is mistaken as you cause your twins i hope you understand it okay i know your having panic attacks like me it often happened Ted to me and you sorry you inherited my conditions my temper and all even my shifting phases yes your a guy even your pregnant i know your a mother too okay i will help you and call Lilly"

"no i want you and well do i have any siblings with Seamus?" as she smiled at me "he got daughter's from me baby you have sisters yup four boners hey girls Tinkerbell Lala Alice and Wilma your half sisters with your step father"

"oh wr have a step dude with a big belly nice we will have well boys and girls my sisters he's a pregnant dude!" as my sisters hugged me tight "oh yes Tinkerbell wow for real so he's also sensitive why is he outside he should be resting where is the Dad?" 

"talking to your Dad Wilma  i kinda crushed Seamus hand when i suddenly have panic attacks its one of my children i have ordered to find my pups before full moon rises they tend to be hyper and adventurous side holy fuck its coming out"

"his waters broken oh god coming throug a pregnant dude okay i been a wrestler and carry men in years also a paramedic names Alice even as a girl i do manly stuff come on butter fingers man your some tight mother okay well into the tub look your aunt is my teacher in Midwifery well its fun to have the old mentor back hi ms Morrison Ted's water broke and well due date i got this covered and well teachers boys this assistants are guys i can cut the right ones open up wide Ted  and well Dad!" 

"well thank goodness Alice okay sorry we have a long discussion about new house rules of a plus one family in the castle its safe girls well here i go so you learn how you know its broken?"

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