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Readers, this is your hypothetical servant!

In this book, I will ask you as many hypothetical questions as humanly possible.

In Zob! the questions and unexplained mysteries of hypothetical combat will be answered in rapid-fire debates for the sole purpose of my readers and the other debaters who will score a bunch of points - something all of us, especially me, will score points in the highest priorities of each other... and why do these hypothetical situations effect bizarre human breach. My focus is on the hypothetical and highly controversial issues facing all grown-ups.

                                   On the front cover of the jacket of this book, Zob Man - a supernatural thinking-man silhouette depicting several words  among them "Weird!""Ew!," "Ouch!," "Zap!," "Unsafe!," "Bizarre!", "Odious!," "Mysterious!"," "Painful!" and "Conspired!" - is my fictional interrogator. He is a symbol of odiousness and ultra-supernatural human obsession - and his aim is to help every man and woman who laughs at each other and their opponents as all readers attempt to answer a hypothetical question correctly and debate over it.

Zob! marks the 1st time I have written a satirical punchline quiz book, even though I've done it.

Hee hee!

 Every chapter contains all the hypothetical punchlines, 1-liners and questions focusing solely on hypothetical dilemmas. And each one of them is highly controversial.

Once the reader asks and debates over an odious response, he and/or she answers the correct conspiracy.

 There is also wordplay infused in this debut edition of Zob! Ha! (That's a conspiring joke.)

I dare you to shoot for the Official Mascot of Zob! and go zob yourself and each other as well.

I thank everyone at Hachette Books Group and their international licensing and publishing team colleagues at Penguin Random House and Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media for their cooperation.

 My special congrats go out to Simon & Schuster in Australia and New Zealand and the people at Wattpad who gave birth to the 1st book in the Zob! series; and all of the people and their team at Bayport Printing House, Inc. for concocting the mascot I call Zob Man.

Until them...


Mark T. Watson

December 2017

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