Chapter 19

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I look beautiful.

My blonde hair is spilling down my shoulders in full curls. My blue eyes are accented with dark makeup. My full lips are covered in a dark red, the same shade of my dress. My dress drapes me casually but also makes me look like a Princess.

Luna walks over to the mirror where I'm standing. "You look amazing. Modest but still sexy. Like a true Princess." Her compliment rings through me, lighting up a new sense of pride inside of me. Being called beautiful from a parent or friend is one thing. Being called beautiful from a guy is another thing. Being called beautiful from a Princess? That's enough to make even me believe her. I place an arm around her waist and smile at our reflection. The Queen walks up to my other side and places her own arm around my waist. Standing there, in front of a mirror with two of the most beautiful people I've ever seen surrounding me, a smile lifts at my lips. I feel beautiful. I look beautiful.

"Stunning, honey." Unlike her daughter, the Queen does not say much. Yet, her compliment weighs more in my heart. Unlike my own mother who is required to find me beautiful, this woman is not. She has her own daughter and set of children to love. I am not a part of that in any way possible. All the same, she stands next to me, her arm around my middle, and tells me I'm beautiful.

The three of us stand there looking at our reflection. Luna, with her dark hair and pale complexion. She looks and plays the role of Princess well. The Queen, with her white hair and complexion like her daughters. She looks like the Queen she became through marriage. Together, with their matching green eyes, they're mother and daughter all the way through. A hint of jealousy creeps into my stomach. How come Luna gets to stand there with her mother while I do not even get to see mine? Still, I stand there in the mirror with my fake smile plastered on my face. As long as I remain here, in Hell, this family needs to believe I'm fine. They need to believe that I'm happy and content here. I mean, the Queen mentioned earlier how Cerin does not allow anyone into his kingdom. As long as I look satisfied and pleased with my luck, they have no reason to look into me. As long as I put on an act and convince them I'm submissive, I have more time to find a way out. As long as I keep my walls built, no one is going to hurt me. As long as I smile and look the part, I can win this battle I was unwillingly forced into.

A bell rings throughout the castle, echoing in the bedroom I'm in. Luna and her mother snap away from the mirror, pulling me along with them. The two of them rush around the room. Pulling on shoes, throwing clothes on the bed, closing makeup containers. I stand by the door and watch. Like a well ironed machine, the pair gets the bedroom cleaned up and put back together in no time at all.

Luna comes rushing back over to me and links our arms. If I wasn't trapped here and I met her in a different setting, I think we would be friends. But because of how my life seems to go, she's one of my captors. I have to fake it. I allow a smile onto my face and laugh along with her story. With her mother walking behind us, we cross the room and exit through the door. A bang from behind me signifies that the large double doors have been officially shut. I'm surrounded by two people who seemingly like me despite having just met me. Soon I'm going to be surrounded by even more people, most of which are strangers. My anxiety begins to slowly creep in. How is Cerin going to act? We had a run in this morning that did not end well. Is he going to behave? Is he going to make sexual comments? How am I going to act? No part of me likes him due to this morning. Most of me despises him due to how immature he immediately acted around me. And yet, his mother and sister have treated me with nothing but respect. Should I put on an act for their sake? Or would it be rude to fake my thoughts? I stop in my tracks. The Queen runs into my back and Luna stumbles into me due to the pull back. Confusion paints their faces, but determination is used to prevent me from escaping.

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