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It's Monday and another day at hell and by hell I mean school. It's all bullshit ya know?

I walk into my first period and everyone's talking and laughing, I sit down in the back and put my bookbag down looking around. Sometimes I just wish to disappear from this place..The teacher walks in and everybody scrabbles to their sits watching him walk to the front of the class beginning to talk about something I don't even catch it, I think I'm day dreaming..I zone out.

-Zoned out moment-

I smile as I see my mom walk to me hugging me tightly whispering she loves me then it breaks and my dad pushes her away into the floor raising his fist at me..

"Darren" I shake my head and look up as the teacher called my name. "Yes sir?" I sigh gently then he speaks "Pay attention, your education isn't in the clouds" I nod and fiddle with my fingers as the guys beside me start to laugh.

The day goes by and the bell rings everybody pushes and runs down the hallway out the door. Someone bumps into me and I realize it's Jake, he pushes me against a locker and smirks looking down at me "Watch where your walking faggot or next time I might have to knock off makeup on your ugly ass face" He nudges me then walks off I sigh again and the hall empties and I end up missing the bus and walking home.

Why can't life be easier? I ask myself

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