I Just Want to be Alone with You- 2003

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“How’re you fucking feeling, Atlanta?!”

The small crowd that had gathered around the stage cheered, some throwing up their hands. Matt stalked across the stage, eyes sweeping over the fans as Brian began the opening riff for Darkness Surrounding. Zacky watched Brian move, the way his fingers carried over the fret board, the way he jumped around to rile up the crowd. He was perfect. Zacky couldn’t believe he was his.

He ran a hand through his purple and black hair before coming in to join Brian as the riff split into harmonies. Zacky mumbled the words to himself as he played, every once in a while flashing a smile towards a moshing fan in the crowd. He’d be surprised if there were more than 100 people around the stage, but he didn’t care. He was doing what he loved with people he loved, and he couldn’t ask for more.

They were only allotted half an hour for this year’s Warped Tour, so they had picked six songs to play. Five from Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, and one from their new album, Waking the Fallen. Zacky liked to play them, since he had written most of them and they were fairly easy.

He was actually happy they didn’t have to play very long today. It was hot, almost unbearable, and he had to wipe sweat from his forehead so it didn’t run into his eyes. Maybe he shouldn’t have worn his black AFI tee shirt today.

He watched Johnny, little short shit Johnny, strutting around like he owned the stage, mohawk beginning to wilt in the Georgia heat. He never would have thought that little Johnny would be touring with them, but in the end, Zacky was glad that he was.

After their performance, Zacky threw a few picks into the small group before helping the guys tear down their set. He was backstage, putting his guitar back in its case, when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. He leaned back into the touch and sighed softly. “Hey, Synyster.”

Brian snickered at the use of his stage name, before kissing the back of his neck. “You did a good job today, Vengeance,” he murmured against his skin, “I think you deserve a reward.”

Zacky shivered and whispered, “What kind of reward?” he asked, subtly grinding his hips back against Brian, making him moan softly.

Brian snaked his hands down to Zacky’s hips, nipping at his flesh rather harshly before muttering, “Something I think you’ll enjoy…”

“Syn! Zacky! A little help?” Jimmy asked, and they pulled apart to see Jimmy struggling to cart two amps at the same time away from the stage. He smirked at them knowingly, “And maybe refrain from sex until, ya know, after the tour or something…”

They both blushed and ran to help their friend. “S-Sorry, Rev.” Zacky muttered, taking an amp from the drummer.

Afterwards, they were all sitting around outside their van. They had a signing in a few hours, and weren’t sure what to do until then. So they cracked open a few beers and sat on the ground, deciding to just talk until their signing. Val was manning their merch tent, everything was under control.

“Well, I’m gonna walk around a little, maybe see a few bands.” Brian stood, stretching.

“You’re gonna get mobbed.” Matt replied, pouring some of his beer on Johnny’s head, making him frown and grumble a little.

“By who? Please, we have like 27 fans here today, if that. I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll come with you.” Zacky said quickly, jumping to his feet.

The other guys exchanged glances, knowing what was going on. “Um, okay, I don’t think we’ll go with you.” Jimmy said, looking back down at his beer. “Have fun.”

“We will!” Brian called back, already grabbing Zacky’s hand and pulling him away.

They stepped into the throng of people, both searching for a place where they could be alone. Warped wasn’t exactly the best place to do that, there were people everywhere they turned.

Brian ended up pressing Zacky up against the wall of some band’s tour bus who were out performing. Zacky smiled shyly up at the older man and kissed him gently. “Do I get my reward now?”

His boyfriend laughed, kissing Zacky roughly and pinning his hands above his head. “Of course, baby.” He mumbled, kissing down his neck and nipping at his collarbone. “All you gotta do is tell me what you want.”

Zacky shivered. “I-I want-“ he was cut off in a gasp as Brian ground their hips together, biting down harshly on the older man’s lip. “S-Sorry.” He whispered.

Brian pouted a little and Zacky kissed his bottom lip tenderly. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Bribri…”

Brian chuckled and kissed Zacky’s nose. “It’s alright.” He replied. “As you were saying…?”

Zacky giggled and kissed Brian’s neck, rubbing up against him. “I want you to-“

“Woah, what’s going on here?”

They both broke apart quickly and Brian released Zacky’s hands. The guys from Sum 41 stood there, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

“Oh, uh, shit we were just, um…” Brian turned around and Zacky cowered behind his boyfriend.

“Getting your gay on?” the drummer asked, and the rest of the band chuckled, “Did we interrupt on a bit of gay sex?”

Zacky blushed deeply and buried his face in Brian’s back.

“We’re sorry, we just uh… yeah, we’ll go.”

“You kids aren’t allowed to be back here anyway.” The vocalist said.

“We have all access passes.” Brian held up the lanyard he had hooked on his belt loop. “We’re from Avenged Sevenfold.”

He looked at the pair skeptically. “Well, you should have sex at your own bus. We don’t wanna see any of that.”

“Y-Yeah, we’ll go.” Brian laced his fingers through Zacky’s and they darted back to their van, embarrassment showing plainly on their faces, ignoring the laughter from the band.

When they arrived, Jimmy was gone, and Matt and Johnny were playing cards.

“Back so soon?” Matt asked in an amused tone, looking up at the guitarists through his shades.

They both blushed a dark shade of pink, and Zacky muttered, “Sum 41 made us get away from their bus…”

“Ha ha, you were on their bus?” Johnny asked, “I don’t think that was such a good idea.”

“We weren’t ON it, we were beside it.” Brian replied. “And now I’m frustrated and embarrassed and sweaty and it’s hot and all I want is a beer.”

He caught the bottle that Matt tossed at him and cracked it open on the van’s front door handle, taking a swig. Zacky whined and Brian held the bottle up to his lips for him to take a drink.

“Dude, you are totally whipped.” Matt chuckled, and Brian frowned.

“Oh, whatever, you’d do the same for Val.”

“Someone talking about me?” a girl’s voice asked as Val made her way between other bands’ busses and vans to join the guys.

“Hey, who’s watching the merch tent?” Zacky countered, and Val shrugged.

“Jimmy showed up and I left it with him.”

“Somehow I don’t think that’s such a good idea…”

“Last one to the tent to check on Jimmy has to drive tonight!” Brian yelled, and Johnny scrambled from his spot on the ground, scattering cards everywhere.

Zacky went to run, but Brian pulled his arm back, letting the others go see if Jimmy was causing a ruckus. “Baby…” he murmured, kissing Zacky’s neck softly, “Why don’t we finish what we started?”

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