Rescuing Jill part 2

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Yukimura's POV

As we arrived at Odawari Castle Hideyoshi's soldiers began to attack us

Alright boys Sanada and I are going ahead said Lord Masamune

Yes big boss we got it!!!! the soldiers said Date's men

Thanks guys we will save Jill and unify Oshu with Kai said Masamune-dono

Do you really mean that Masamune-dono I asked him with a smile

Yes and plus ik Jill would want that too said Masamune-dono

Now let's go we have my beloved  future wife and priestess to save said Masamune

Masamune's POV

As Sanada and I rode towards where Hideyoshi was we saw that bastard and how he had Jill in his arms and smirking at us

Glad of you to show up Date Masamune looks like your lover was right about how you would rescue her said Hideyoshi

That's right and she wasn't wrong now give Jillian back or we will have to defeat you I said to him

If you want her then take her he said as he threw her high in the air as I looked in shock and shouted Jillian!!!!

But then I see as Yukimura uses his spears to fly himself in the air and grabs Jillian as she is in his arms safe

Don't worry Masamune-dono I got her said Yukimura

Thanks Sanada now let's go bastard let's fight and I will show you what the one-eye dragon truly means I say to hideyoshi

Ok then show me what you got said Hideyoshi as we began our battle.

End of Chapter 6

Jill Akashia Priestess of the Crescent Moon falls in love with Date MasamuneWhere stories live. Discover now