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Hi, everyone.  I've never been to Paris, France...just imagined it would be like this.  Sorry, if I got it all wrong, but I do hope you enjoy the story.

Part I

Somewhere maybe in Paris...

on a boat.. touring in the river sienne....

afterwards, to the nearest cafe...

"Une cafe, sil vous plait."

An american drinking cafe up front. Gigantic fossil watch, loose khaki pants with a black Nirvana t-shirt. A knitted hat. Totally grunge, absolutely curious - I am.

He looks familiar. Looks like an old friend that I may have known from another time. "Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice. Did you per chance have gone to Exeter Middle school?" "Yes, I did." I was thinking how familiar you looked, too. "I'm Aidan. I believe we were in Algebra class together." "Oh, yes. Aidan. Your smile. I can see you. You were one of the most popular kids in school. What a small world! What brings you here to Paris?" "I live here." "Wow, that must be something." "How about you? You must be just visiting." "Do I stick out like a sore thumb? Yes, I'm just visiting for a few weeks." "Where are you staying?" "At the Parisee." "Oh, I should show you around town." "That will be nice, but I don't want to intrude." "No, it'll be my pleasure." "That'll be a special treat. Thank you." "Where are you off to afterwards?" "I don't know, I was thinking about just walking around the city." "Have you been to the Louvre?" "No." "Would you like to go? It's a place you can't go alone." "Sure. Thank you." "We can take the metro, and we'll be there in no time. It's amazing. I never thought I'd see you here." "I never thought I'd meet you here, too." "I don't see a ring. Are you married?" "No. I like to be independent." "Oh, I see." "Are you?" "I was married for three months. Now, divorced." "I'm sorry to hear that." "It's funny. I was just thinking about that school the other day." "Actually, I hated going to that school. It's like a black hole I don't want to think about. I didn't really have many friends." "Oh, we're here. Ladies first or do independent women think that's condescending?" "No, I'm fine with being treated like a lady. Thank you. I didn't mean it that way." "I'm just playing with you." So many people in the metro. "Here, hold my hand. I don't want to lose you after all these years." I give him my hand like a shy girl. Aidan, I love this, I want to say. Aidan, I'm so glad you recognized me, I want to say. Aidan, I had a crush on you...

"Phoebe, right?" "Yes." More people come in. "We're due next. Hold on tight." "Okay." I shout like I've known him for a long time. We're like two teenagers afraid our hands would break. We come to the next stop.

"Let's get off." "Okay." He holds my hand tight and leads me out the train. "This way. We have to go up ground." "It seems like you really know this place. I wouldn't be able to come here by myself." He just smiles. I wonder if he works. If his wife still live in Paris. If he has children? We follow the sunlight up to ground level. "Here we are." As soon as we're up, a chorus echo of tadaa fill the air. The museum is truly an amazing site. Lovers in the court. That's why he said you couldn't come alone here. "Aidan, this is amazing." "Isn't it?" "Thank you for bringing me here. I'll buy you dinner." "That will be nice. I'm hungry already." There is David. There is Mona Lisa by Leonardo.

Part II

Phoebe stood by the window in her long pajamas, with a mug of fresh brewed coffee in one hand, thinking... 'What have I just done?  How can I lose my virginity this easily?  I cannot afford to be in a noncommittal relationship.'

   She looked out at the trees lined up in a queue along the street.  She felt numb.  Then a tear streamed down her cheek.  She heard a rustling.  Aidan will be up any moment now.  She wiped the tear off as she heard Aidan stirring in bed. 

 "Good morning," sighed Aidan. 

 "Good morning," replied Phoebe and adding cautiously, "and about last night.  I'm sorry about last night.  I'll consider it didn't happen." 

 Aidan looked to her sheepishly.  "Why?"

 "I... It was my fault," Phoebe added.

 Aidan stood up competently naked and walked gently over to Phoebe.  Phoebe's heart beat faster.

Aidan stretched his arms from the back, and whispered softly into her ear,

  "No, it was all mine." 

  Phoebe never felt this complete.  She put her mug down, and turned around to face his beautiful ocean blue eyes,

  "Thank you for last night."  And buried herself in his chest.  She wanted to cry.  Phoebe remembered the look in Aidan's eyes from the night before when he penetrated inside her and found he was her first breach.  "I love you," he had told her.  And at that time, she had believed him.  Phoebe realized how much she wanted him again.  Aidan gave a tight squeeze, then brought Phoebe's face up to him, reaching for her lips.  Phoebe closed her eyes as she tried to feel every yearning cell for his body.  She felt her core burgeoning hot.  Aidan met her lips as his ambidextrous hands started unbuttoning her top.  Phoebe felt her top slide down revealing her bare breasts.  Aidan's lips went for each one, kissing it softly.  Phoebe swooned, and felt as if her whole body had melted.  Aidan lifted and carried her to bed they had just made love in.  Phoebe's fingers ran through his fine hair hoping time can stop for a moment just for her?

  "Phoebe, I remember you," said Aidan.  "I wanted you."

 Phoebe's heart starting pounding with ecstacy.  Her lips went for his.

Aidan slid down her pajama pants and her panties.  He went for her belly, kissing his way down every undulation until he came to her core.  Phoebe brought his face up to kiss him.  Aidan worked his way down again, this time, exploring more of her breasts.

 "I love your breasts,"  Aidan said.  Did that mean that Aidan loved her?  Phoebe felt like she was in love.

Aidan's hands traversed to Phoebe's buttocks bringing her close to him.

  Can I love you, Phoebe thought.  Will you still see me when this is over?  Oh, just enjoy the moment, Phoebe ordered herself.  Aidan went down again, kissing her core, then exploring it with his tongue.  Phoebe felt like she'd faint.  She brought him up, and as she did, Aidan's core found itself inside her.   He felt an eternity of warmth as his was enveloped by Phoebe's goading Phoebe let out a sharp cry of ecstacy.  She could feel her inner muscles sucking his core trying to extract all the energy from him. 

"Phoebe, I love you."  Did Aidan say he loves me?  Phoebe wanted to scream and moan as Aidan worked his magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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