Secret Kisses

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By the time we stepped out of the cab, I felt a thousand times better. Troye had managed to kill my demons, yet again.

We walked to the elevator and stepped in, clicking on Zoe's floor. We were joking around, and I felt a giant weight lift off of my shoulders. It was like I could breath again.

We strolled out of the elevator, and headed towards Zoe's flat. Troye knocked, and the door flung open.

"HEY GUYS" Caspar shouts from inside the flat.

I chuckle, and we walk into the apartment.

"Heyyy" Troye and I say.

"You guys are just in time!! We were about to play a game" Marcus says, happily.

I scan the room to see who was here.

Marcus, Naomi, Joe, Caspar, Gaby, Alfie, Zoe, Jim, Tanya, Hannah, Sam, Louis, and many others were sprawled across the apartment.

I smiled, happy to see all my friends again.

"Alright, everyone who wants to play a game sit in a circle" Marcus says.

Troye and I sit down in the large circle. 

"Okay, it's called Secret Kisses. And basically, there is going to be one person in the middle of the circle. Everyone making up the circle gets blindfolds. Then, we shout out questions to the person in the middle. So questions could be, who in this circle is your best friend? Or who in this circle have you lied to? And then the person in the middle answers the question by kissing the person who is their answer to the question. That way, no one else in the circle will know who the person in the middle picked because we are all blindfolded. Then, after 3 questions, the person in the middle switches out with the person they kissed. Once a new person enters the middle, knock on the floor so we know you're ready for a question. Does that make sense?" Marcus explains.

"Yeah. So, if Zoe was in the circle, and we were shouting out questions and I asked who would she date? She would kiss Alfie, right?" Caspar asks, smirking.

"ZALFIE" I shout.

"TYLER" Zoe and Alfie yell. 

I laugh, and my witch cackle surrounds the room. I blush once everyone smiles at my laugh. I've always hated it. It's too loud and annoying.

"OKAY LET'S PLAY" Joe says, interrupting my train of thoughts.

I sighed thinking more about my laugh, and I felt Troye squeeze my knee and I smiled at him. It's amazing that he knows what I'm feeling even when I don't tell him. 

Jim gets us all blindfolds as we pass it around the circle. 

"Wait...who's in the circle?" Troye asks.

"Well, since you asked..." Tanya trails off.

"NOO I DON'T WANT TO" Troye whines. 

"Yeah, Troye!!! You should go!" I say, pushing him into the middle of the circle.

He groans, and everyone laughs putting on their blindfolds.

I place my glasses on the floor next to me.

"Does everyone have their blindfolds on?" Louis asks.

"NOO WAIT FOR ME" I say, struggling to get my blindfold on.

"Ugh, Tilly" Troye sighs as he walks over to me. I happily let him tie the blindfold on me.

"Thanks, Troye" I say.

"Now, does everyone have blindfolds on?" Alfie asks.

"Yeah, everyone's blind" Troye answers for us.

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