All we got is Memories |1|

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I'm new at this so please don't judge... If you like it so far like ,comment and share! I'm starting to dedicate Chapters to be favourite authors!


Chapter Rewritten.

Picture above is Warren Wolfe aka Ferran Calderon


Waking up I checked the time on the clock...10:42 Am shit! I'm late for the meeting! Getting up I rushed around getting ready grabbing water on the way out of my condo I dialled Adrian number...Calling Brother...rinng rinng rinng...

"Hello"Adrian yawned out, great he slept through the alarm to!

"Get your ass up we are late for your meeting at West High!"I said to him putting the key in the ignition I heard him yawn.

"About that.. Can I not like drop out of school?"Adrian muttered along with hearing shuffling, his pissing me off if he doesn't get in no chance he will be able to help me with Dad Business, he already was banned from 9 schools for carelessly hanging around with the wrong crowd.

"Sure then I'll give Beta Roll to Nick! Sense you can't fill in and help with the business "I started my BMW Jeep and drove to my step parents, there was a long silence on the phone for a second I thought he hung up then I heard him spoke.

"This is my last chance of getting into Collage..?"he sighed then said"I'll be ready in 5"

"Be ready by the time I get there Adrian!"he hung up the phone.

Gonna be long day... 

Let me explain to you how the past 17 years has gone for us, I was 4 when my parents died, Adrian was a newborn, my parents died of our Enimes Stonebridge pack our families were enimies sense my dad was Adrian age my moms Ex Collin wasn't happy that mom was a mate to an Alpha sure he was a beta so he Brian washed his Alpha saying mom was kidnapped and 'brainwash'into marrying my dad... That day they died was the day they died was they celebrated Adrian birth we owned the land but also own the 5 story condo which I'm leaving in, that day the pack attack leaving most of our pack members unrecognised to this day, the police just think wild wolves attack us while we were camping.

Still getting flashbacks of that day.. And days before that.. Every night when we were kids I show Adrian memories of mom and dad my ability is I can watch people memories sometime show them mine... But there's one Adrian always asked to see but I refused, the memorie of that day...


Laughter of friends and families filled my ears and smiled playing with the Jareds son and daughter Dillion and Melissa.

"Kids come eat!"Jenny Jareds wife called out to us, we raced to sit down"you eat it all and you can get cake"we cheered 

"He just handsome Grace!"Moms best friend Alina cooed holding baby Adri, mom smiled thanking her dad wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"Michael you got your hands full ! Two sons! How can you choose who's alpha?"Jared said to him, he looked at me.

"My boy Warren.. Adrian will be Beta"Alina smiled when he said that, Alinas Husband Adrian died with a heartattack year before, sense dad couldn't replace him.

"He would be proud of that"Alina spoke.

Hours later

"Jesus! It's like a blood bath out here..."

I whispered softly to Adrain "shh baby adrai everything will be okay"I rocked him as we hide under the boards a little safe hole my dad built incase we were ever attacked by other pack enemies

" Not one person alive.. Wolves attack looks like it.. Family campers.. 6 large tents.. And 8 dead wolves and 14 bodies...God that cruel.. " a woman said to her partner, I gasped when brother Adrai cried out .

"You hear that?" a man voices spoke

"Shh baby adrai!" i whispered yelled while rocking him, we have been done here hours both of us starving " Mommy be here soon shh... "

"Come from these floor boards!" The woman yelled out as the boards above my head creaked .

"Who put floor boards in a tent?" The man grunted out next thing I saw was light above my head" we have two little boys! "

" hey little guy let me help you both okay! I'm Detective Nicole.. Nicole Wolfe and this is my partner Detective Henry Wolfe, what's your name little guy? " the woman spoke softly, I whimpered hugging baby adrai to me "Come on honey you both are hungry! You don't want your little brother to die?" I shook my head

" Mommy coming soon" Nicole looked at Henry in sadness

"Oh baby.. Come out okay?"


Pulling up outside The house I beeped the horn.

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