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Seolhyun's pov
Its been two months since i didnt get any visions at all. Silhwan was right. It was all just a bad dream and none of those were true. So i stopped believing anout it and carry on with my life.

Day by day i started getting closer to Tae. He became my bestfriend and luckily no one hates us for being together. Tae also has a bestfriend that is also his cousin from his mother side. His name is Minhyuk, and apparently hes dating Silhwan. They still hangout with us, but sometimes its starting to get awkward for me and Tae when they start to be all lovey dovey so we spent most of our time just the two of us.

We are walking to school as usual today. As we were walking, sil said to me;
"Seol, today im gonna go home a bit late okay. Im going to the library with Minhyuk."

"Sheesh just because u have a boyfriend now u even forget me huh?" I said to her, sulking.

"Waeyooooo~ are u jealous~"

"Why should i be jealous? I dont like like minhyuk anyways"

"I meant that are u jealous u dont have a boyfriend?U should just date ur Tae, u know!" Sil said excitedly.

"WHAT THE HECK! U and I both know he doesnt like me so why bother? And i also tried before but i guess he just insisted for me to be his bestfriend."

"Thats ur personality, u always thought of the negetive. Thats why u dont get a boyfriend till now! U have to be confident u know, just ask him already!"

"No, it will be awkward to ask him. If i really had to, i will ask him when i found enough proof that he loves me or not."

But i really do wish that he likes me...

Tae's pov
"Hey man, i will go home a bit late today, i have to got to tbe library with Silhwan."
"Fineee.. how dare u forget me bruh -_-"

Minhyuk kept coming home late lately, and even though hes my cousin hes staying with me and my parents for i dont know how long. Hes coming home late because hes hanging out with the sis of the girl i like which is Seolhyun.
"Are u jealous u dont have a girlfriend~" he said teasing me


"Come on, just date ur Seolhyun. I can feel she likes u."

"I tried, Minhyuk. I really tried. I dropped so many hints at her but i guess she just insisted for me to be her 'best friend' so i cant do anything about it.."

"Its not like that, okay? Im 101% sure she likes u back. Its just when the right time comes, tell her."

He said trying to comfort me. But i dont think i will win her. I once asked her what kind of relationship are we, and i know, pretty straight right. But she just said that we're buddies. I was sad and its not like thats the first time i dropped a hint at her. It was so many times. I even took care of her, sometimes flirt with her, or even throw a pickup line like "whats ur name? If u dont have it, can i call u mine?" And some more like that. I know its cheesy, but she just laughed and continued what shes doin.

I went to class and saw that Seolhyun already came. She sat there beautifully, well, shes always been beautiful.

Seolhyun's pov
I saw Tae coming in the classroom and he smiled at me. Hes soooo handsomeee, well, hes always been handsome.

I really want to date him but i just dont know how so whatever, when the right time comes the right time comes. Oh i remeber that time, he asked me a question..

"Hey Seolhyun, what kind of relationship are we?" Tae asked. I was suprised and i thought about what to say. I didnt want to say we're a couple since he never asked me to be his girlfriend. So i just replied "We're best friends, like buddies right? Why'd u ask?" He just mumbled an okay as he look down.. he kinda look disapointed. Wae? What was the answer hes expecting to hear?

"Good morning, Seolhyun. You look beautiful as usual today." Tae saud to me, smiling. I said "Good morning, Tae. And you look handsome as usual today." And i laughed. He just blushed and fake laugh. He was just teasing right?

We went to the cafe to eat recess. We sit together with Minhyuk and Silhwan then started eating. After a while, Minhyuk and Silhwan got up and said they want to go somewhere. We are actually expecting this, they did this every time we eat recess together so we're used to it. But somehow this time it felt different. Sil smirked at me before went away. Aishhh this gurl... what is she up to...

Tae's pov
Usually we would chat after they left but i dont know why we didnt because this felt so different from the other times. Maybe because before Minhyuk left he grinned at me and i could guess what hes telling me to do, the thought about what we were talking about this morning.

After lunch, me and Seolhyun went to take a stroll around the school like we did every day. Finally, i gathered up my courage and tried to ask her.
"Hey Seolhyun, if i ask you out, would you say yes?"

It took her a couple seconds to answer though.
"Tae we almost go out every weekend so u dont have to ask me, im used to it."

WHATTA HECK?!!!! DOESNT SHE KNOW THAT GOING OUT ALSO MEANT DATING?!!!!! Thats it. I cant take it anymore. I want to keep telling her but i felt she keeps rejecting me. I couldnt stand it anymore and i blurted out what i was thinking. I grabbed her by the shoulders and yelled at her.


"Tae, what--"

"I love you."

Heyyo guysssss its Niwon here
Thanks for u guys who supported or follow me or voted my stories
seungseongstan, i told u i will make an appearance of Minhyuk someday. Looks like i made my promise😄😄
Please follow and vote jebal💞💞💞
And please support me and i will support u😁😁
Luv ya~
This has been Niwon~
Stay tuned~

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