(Zen Wistaria X Reader) Stolen Library Kisses

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A groan erupted from you as you failed to grab the book that was located on the highest shelf of one of the bookshelves in the castle's library. You puffed your cheeks out in exasperation but you continued to stand on your tip toes, jump, reach your arm as far as you could and several other ways that you could have thought of to get the book.

Just as you were about to spring into another jump with your arm outstretched towards the high shelf, you saw someone else reached out and pulled the book from the shelf with as much ease as one would have when plucking a fragile flower. You swiftly turned around to see who had retrieved the book and you were met with a familiar friendly smile. "Mitsuhide!" you exclaimed aloud as you saw the second prince of Clarines' trusty aide standing before you.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-dono." He greeted politely. "And here," he held the book that you were trying to get and he had taken from the bookshelf. "You seemed like you were struggling." He added with a vaguely strained chuckle.

"Arigato, Mitsuhide." You said. Normally you would have insisted that there was no need for him to be so formal around you and asked him to drop the honorifics, but the sight of the dark circles under his chocolate brown eyes and his exhausted expression refrained you from doing so. Instead, you asked, "What's wrong, Mitsuhide? You look like you hadn't slept for days!"

He released a loud, tired sigh. "Well, your assumption isn't entirely wrong. I've been looking for Zen ever since yesterday afternoon."

You gasped. "He's gone missing?"

"I'm afraid so," Mitsuhide confirmed with a weak nod. "I came here thinking that he might be here but I guess my speculation was wrong again. I'm going to go check his room again, he might've come back since the last time I've checked it."

"Oh, well, good luck then! And I'll let you know if I find any information about his whereabouts!" you called after him as he started walking off. He glanced back at you and gave you a tight smile and a small wave in response.

Your shoulders slumped back as you held the book to your chest and breathed out a faint sigh. "I hope that he's alright..."

Suddenly, you heard a faint hissing sound which caused your eyes to dart around the library. You then heard another 'hiss' and it followed by another. By that moment, you were extremely confused, and just when you'd decided to forget about it surmising that it was only your mind playing tricks on you, a hand latched on your arm and hauled you backward.

You let out a yelp as you felt your back hit against something hard with a 'thump'. Your eyes widened and panic arose within you as you realized that the hand that had pulled you back behind a bookshelf that hid you from the rest of the people that were in the library. "Calm down, (Y/N)," an undeniably familiar voice spoke out in a hushed tone. "It's only me."

You immediately turned around and your eyes were met with a breathtaking pair of blue ones. "Zen!" you nearly shouted while Zen held a finger to his lips, signaling for you to stay quiet. "Oh my god! Mitsuhide has been looking all over for you! I have to tell him- No! I'll just bring you to him! Come with me!" you absentmindedly took his hand in yours and began to move forward until you felt a tug on your hand. You returned your gaze back on the silver-haired prince, a curiosity clouding your limpid eyes.

"(Y/N), please," he whispered with a pleading expression. "Let's stay here instead."

"What?" you mumbled in disbelief at his words. "Why? Don't you know how worried Mitsuhide is! How can you do-"

"I know, I know," he sighed. "I'll apologize to him later, so let's just stay here first."

Your lips fell into a thin line as you thought about his request before replying, "Fine. But please tell me why you're hiding from him."

"Alright," he agreed with a relieved face. "I'm hiding from him because there has been more work than usual lately and he's been keeping me cooped up in my studies until I've finished them all. I'm really doing my best to get it all done but I don't think that just staying inside a room doing paperwork is going to solve all of the problems in Clarines. I need to get out and understand what troubles my people are actually facing before signing agreements that are supposedly claiming to fix them."

After registering his words, you cracked a smile at him. "That's just so like you, Zen."

Zen gave a little shrug before deciding to change the subject of the conversation. "So that aside, is that a new book?" he inquired, eyeing the book in your arms.

"Oh! Y-yes! One of the maids recommended it to me, she said that it has one of the most compelling plots that she'd ever read!" you gushed unintentionally.

You watched as a soft smile played on Zen's lips that'd only complimented his prepossessing features. "What are you suddenly smiling about?" you questioned with a puzzled look.

"You," he replied, his smile only growing. "It's adorable how you'd always get excited over books."

Your cheeks blushed pink at his unexpected flattery. But his words were true, you have loved books for as long as you could remember. Zen had known this ever since you both were little; your parents were close friends with his thus leading you and your family to live in the castle. You would rather choose to live in the mountains or somewhere less crowded given your quiet and calm personality, but the thought of never being able to visit the castle's enormous library again felt like a stab through your heart.

You were then brought back to the present when you felt Zen's fingers intertwined with yours. Your face burned a brighter shade of red and you immediately looked up at him. "Wha-" you began but the rest of your sentence died on your lips when Zen reached his free hand out to touch your burning cheek. "I've been stuck inside my studies for so long," he murmured as he gazed into your eyes. "And I've missed spending time with you so much, (Y/N)."

Your eyes softened at his words and you gave him a gentle smile. "I've missed spending time with you too, Zen."

He returned your smile with one of his own. "And I especially missed those kisses..." he whispered and leaned in until his forehead touched yours. "You mind if I have one of those again?"

You bit your bottom lip and gave him a light, embarrassed nod. A light blush tinted across the silver-haired-prince's cheeks and you released your bottom lip as he leaned in and placed his on yours.

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