Dance Again

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"In three, two, one... Go!"

As the music started, the little ballerina walked to the main stage. She danced slowly to the music, moved slowly and slowly, until all of her ballerina friends danced to the center of the stage, made a circle. That girl, danced in the middle beautifully, her name is Jessica, Jessica Tipton. She was the best dancer at her dancing academy. She was 7 years old that day. One of talented girl.

But one night, changed her life. Not the whole life, but, half of her life.

Her mom's death.

=10 Years Later=

>Jessie's POV<

I grab my phone and turn the alarm off. I need to wake up by now, eventhough i don't want to. After 10 Years being single, dad decided to find me and my brother a new mom. Stella Morriz that soon to be Stella Tipton, is a beautiful lady, she's nice to me or even my brother. Even sometimes she's annoying, like really really annoying. She's 37 years old, the same with my dad. The different is, my dad is a widower and Stella is a single lady. The only reason why she's not married, yet, because of her jobs. Or should i say, her ex job. She used to work with this label, she had to travel around the world to meet the client. That's why she had no time to find a man. But once she quitted her job, he met my dad and they fell in love, well, fall in love. Stella is now working at this dance academy. Which i used to love. Why? Since my mom's death, i didn't feel like dancing Ballet again. It makes me sad, reminds me of her passion with Ballet. But my soon-step mother, is forcing me to do it again. She bought me a new ballet shoe and costume, and plus she signed me to her academy. She's the headmaster, by the way. And i'm not surprised. She used to dance too, she used to be a ballerina. She stopped because her parents didn't want her to be a slow-calm ballerina. Her parents wanted her to be someone that can lead the world. Well, at least she lead an academy, she's not failed at all, right?

"Jessie, you up yet?" That's my brother, Louis. He's now 19th years old. He's a dancer, a very very good street dancer.

"Yes, i'm up, bro. thanks" i shout.

"Good, Breakfast is ready, you don't want to miss it again, do you?" He asks again.

"No, bro. I'm starving." I lie.

"Aight, see you downstair sis!" He goes downstair, i guess.

I feel my phone vibrate, grab and stare at it, i have a new text. It's from Carla.

Please don't tell me you're not up yet, Tipton! It's 8 in the morning, we have to practice at 9, remember ? you'd better hurry. Don't be late, AGAIN.

I chuckle, Carla is my bestfriend, like sister to be exact.

Ugh, sorry Carla, but i'm still dreaming now, don't ruin it, please.

I put my phone on the desk and walk to my dressing room, grab my shirt, jeans. I hear my phone vibrate again, i run a bit and grab my phone, i have a new text again, from Carla. of course.

Ugh, i'm sorry to ruin it, i don't know you can type while you sleep. That's cool anyway, you should teach me someday. Now just get your ass here, i don't want you to be late. No more late thing, gurl.

I smile and walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face. i change my clothes to the shirt and jeans that i grabbed from the dressing room earlier. I put on some perfume. I grab my hand bag and put on perfume, phone charge, and my iPod. I go to the dressing room and grab my cropped tee and sweatpants also a jacket. Put everything i need for practice. I've been dancing since i was 14th years old, but not some Ballet, more like my brother's. Street dance. But my parents have no idea about this, including my brother. I felt tired with slow dancing, Ballet. I want it to be something cool, and i don't know, just cool. after three years learned the moves, i finally have my own spot, my own squad. Just because we're a street dancer, doesn't make us practice on the street, we're actually rent a dancing studio, everyday, well, actually Carla's mom is the owner, so we don't have to pay for it. I grab my nike shoes, and put it on, i tie up my hair into a pony tail. I look myself in the mirror and satisfy. Not too hot, not too nerdy, simple and casual. I grab my bag and my phone and walk down to the dinner's room.

"Morning, Jessie." My dad, Andy say, smiling at me.

"Morning dad, morning Lou, morning Stella." I say put my bag on the couch on the living room and back to the dinner's room to have a breakfast.

"So, where you going, this morning ?" My dad asked me.

"Oh, i have to help Carla. Her mom is out of the town, and she need my helps to run the studio." lies. i actually have to practice with Carla. And her mom is in the town. But it's just any excuses, no biggie.

"Oh, okay, just don't home too late. at least be home at nine." My dad say again

"No promises."

"Jessica! You..."

I cut him off, "finee, i'll be home at nine, okay ?"

"Good, cause if you don't want to listen to me, I would forbid you to leave the house for a week. no excuses." He say, looking at me. serious face.

"Geez dad, calm down, yes i'll be here at nine, okay ? i promise."

"Good. Now enjoy your breakfast sweetie." My dad say and drink his coffee

Stella made a sandwich, i grab one and eat them all, i drink my juice and ready to go.

"Okay, gotta go now, the studio open at nine in the morning, it's 8.45 which is mean, i only have 15 minutes to drive there. see you guys very very soon." i say walk to the front door.

"Jessica!" Stella shouted.

I turn around,"What?" i give her the most annoying face ever.

"Look, i know you still don't like me, but at least you would like to come to the academy tomorrow, at 8 in the morning, you class starts tomorrow, and i bought you everything you need, show, tutu, even a new bag, everythings is ready, all you have to do is go to school tomorrow, would you like to?" she say with her eyes full of hope.

"Fine, i'll go to that academy tomorrow. but i still don't like you." With that i walk to my car, and drive to the studio, where Carla might piss, but not really. i'm not late, yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2012 ⏰

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