Meeting of a lifetime

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This is what I envision Avalon as looking like

Today i found out that i am betrothed to the crown prince of the Nubian Empire. When i first saw Prince Ewan i thought that he was the most handsome man i have ever seen. He is 6'6 just like my brother Apollo,he has shaggy blonde hair and violet eyes and  is very muscular from what i could tell in his form fitting travel tunic and pants. I thought wow he is so handsome i hope he's nice. Anyway well that hope was dashed. Let me tell you what happened.

**** 6 hours earlier****
"Presenting His Royal Highness Prince Ewan Rowan Montaigne" the annoucer stated. He walks toward my parents and i wearing an indigo tunic,pants, cloak and black riding boots. I am wearing an aqua colored gown that sweeps the ground, flats and have my hair in a Torlarian braid(think French braid with with the top half in a braid and bottom half softly curled)and a small crown atop my head. I looked regal. I stepped up and give him a deep curtsy with a polite ''welcome your majesty'' and all i received was a curt nod. Taken aback i introduced my family starting with papa. "

Your majesty this is my father King Raymus and my mother Queen Ashlyn". They were given deep bows and my mother a kiss on the hand. My brothers were next and were given bows. WHAT!!!! They are given respect and all i get is a nod. I decided to introduce myself. "Your majesty my name is Avalon- I know who you are he cuts me off shortly. You are my betrothed. I do not like you. At this point his parents have shown up and his mother admonished him with a sharp "Ewan! ,That is no way to speak to your future wife". Introductions were made all around while i stood there stunned at the harsh rebuke. I quickly turn on my heel and flee to the gardens tears stinging my eyes, Apollo quickly following."what's wrong Av"? "What's wrong i sobbed, I DON'T KNOW MAYBE THE FACT MY FUTURE HUSBAND DOESN'T LIKE ME"? I screeched. "what's not to like, i mean your beautiful,smart,talented and kind. So after that i composed myself and left with him to the dining hall for the feast. We had all my favorites: roasted sari , goolasto(if you've seen that Disney show Shake It Up then you know what I'm talking about.), Pheasant,Jellani eggs,Stani steak and Cerani wine and Goolaberry pie for dessert. After dinner i took a walk in the gatdens to clear my head.

Now I'm back in my room in the bath writing by candlelight while my favorite handmaiden Mariana combs my black tresses. Mariana helps me into my silk nightdress(if you've seen star wars revenge of the sith, its padme's gown that she wears the night anakin has his first nightmare.) She braids my hair and then leaves my chambers to sleep in her room snuffing out the candle as she goes.

Goodnight diary, Avalon :-*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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