yuri is not oki doki - 1?

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pov yuri bc i wanna die k?
this is abt the mc never joining the club and yayayaya

The evening starts off, as usual, the other students either leaving the school or going into the classroom where their clubs are. I stand up, my "nose stuck in a book" as people would say. I grab my bag and carefully wander over to the classroom of my club. It's on the third floor, which is apart from all the other clubs due to the other ones being on the first two or outside. It's quite nice, considering the fact that it's a literature club.

I peek inside, there sits a group of three at one of the tables. (Well... More of a few desks messily arranged to create a table.) There sat Sayori, Natsuki, and Monika. Sayori, being cheerful as usual, looks over at the door to see who is spying on them and sees me. She quickly hops up and pulls me over.

"Okaaayy!! We're all here!" She exclaims, yanking me into the room. She might as well be dislocating my shoulder by now. Monika waves me over and Natsuki eyes me, not exactly in a rude way, but more in a "fuckin' emo" way.

I take a chair and sit down next to Monika, the club reader. She's going on about a festival or something, honestly things I could care less about. I get assigned to create something to give the Literature Club more look and make it look a lot nicer than it actually is, yay. Meanwhile, we all have to write a poem to put into the book, my line of thought wanders.

Then, I look over and notice a pan with tinfoil over the top, and I glance at Natsuki, confused. I put myself into the conversation, "Natsuki, why did you make cupcakes?"

She then perks up and plainly says "Well, Sayori said that she was going to bring a new member today and she never did it. You can have one if you want, I kinda just made them for no reason now." Sayori whines something in response, about "not knowing he was going to say no and go off to the anime club." I roll my eyes.

Natsuki is weirded out by the fact that Sayori admitted it was going to be a guy that she invited to the club. So, she was just trying to get some kid in here to stare at our boobs and call us cute? Ugh, disgusting. He'd probably pick favorites, too. And I sure as hell know how horrible it is to get left out when people do favorites.

After about 10 minutes pass, we all get left alone to do out own thing. Natsuki immediately heads towards the closet and picks out manga, most likely mumbling rude things about Monika not putting her things in the correct spaces. Monika sits at the teacher's desk and acts as if she rules things, sitting there and talking to Sayori, who is sitting on top of one of the other desks. And I just begin to put the desks back into the lines they were in instead of that messy table that they had created earlier.

Once I finished that, I took out my book and began to read. My eyes passed over the lines of words, taking in their contents but not exactly spacing out as I used to. I find myself bored by the book, oddly enough. This.. hasn't exactly happened for the longest time, my mind is wandering off onto other things.

I found myself looking at Monika, occupying herself by making sure Sayori and Natuski are happy. I end up staring at her body figure. She's obviously got the most athletic body out of most of us, and her curves are eye-catching, to say the least. Her hair is long and flowing over her shoulders and down her back, I'd honestly like to see how she would look with her hair down. Or braided, either would look nice on her.

And then I notice she's looking over at me, her lips moving but not exactly making any noise that I notice. I realize she's talking to me, I must've gone too deeply into thought.

"Uh... What? I'm really sorry I must've zoned out--" I begin to apologize, but she holds a hand up, stopping me. She gives me a smile and laughs a little, "It's okay, I was just asking if you're alright. I've never seen you not wanting to read." I notice how pretty she looks in the sunlight, her hair glimmering and her emerald eyes as bright as ever. She grabs a chair and pulls it up to the other side of my desk, leaning over it. "What'cha thinking about?"

I quickly try to figure out something to either lie about or bring up from the past conversations, due to me not wanting her to know I was thinking about her. "J-Just how Sayori said she was going to bring someone, I was just wondering who it is, that's all."

Monika raises her eyebrows, "I'm sure whoever it is wouldn't be good for this club anyway, plus us four are actually really good at this club together. Wouldn't you think?" I nod, no one has really gotten into a fight in the time I've been in this club. And although Natsuki and I have had our disagreements, we manage to get along at times too. Sayori couldn't ever possibly get in a fight, and Monika just tries not to get herself into those things, meanwhile trying to be good for the club.

"Didn't you say it would be good for the club to get more members though? W-Why are you suddenly changing your mind?" I question her, I only ask this due to her in the past saying she wants as many people that she can get in this club. She laughs, "He -- whoever he was -- would have only made the club worse. I could tell by the way he treated Sayori."

This.. made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Supposedly she didn't know who Sayori invited, due to Sayori saying she wanted it to be a "surprise." And how exactly would she know he would ruin the club? And how, unless she witnessed the rejection, the hell would Monika know how he treated little Sayori? It's as if she knows everything.

Monika and I chat on, transitioning topics in the middle of other topics. Talking and questioning each other as if we couldn't get enough of it. It was one of the first times I actually liked chatting with another person, rather than feeling bothered or irritated by it. It was nice.

The club ended just as fast as it started, with mostly everyone doing their own thing. Sayori had stolen and devoured most of the cupcakes that Natsuki had made, Natsuki was still sitting in the closet with her nose in one of her mangas -- almost as if she wanted to finish it before she got home for some odd reason, and Monika and I were just talking on and on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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