💕Spring Fling🌸

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Y/L/N= Your last name
Y/BF/LN= Your best friends last name

Guys I know it's a lot of abbreviations to remember, but if I put it that means you'll only have to remember for that same chapter👌🏾


Aah. The spring fling. That one dance I never have a date to go with.

Now that I think about it, no one's ever asked me to a dance🤔😟

"Are you excited for the dance?!" Y/B/F whisper shouted, way to excitedly.

"Umm not really. No one ever asks me."

"Just because no one asks you, doesn't mean you can't go! You don't need a boy to have fun!"

"I don't wanna go anyway."

"Yes you do, and you will. We're going to the mall today to get some cute dresses."

"But the Spring Fling is today,"

"We'll make it work,"😊


"Ms.Y/L/N and Ms.Y/Bf/Ln! Stop talking and pay attention!" The teacher yelled.

"Sorry," You both said while turning towards the board.

*At The Mall*

As we both step into the mall and my eyes immediately dart around, motionlessly browsing the stores surrounding me.
We both- well BSF/N- decides to go to Forever 21 first.

We both pick out a buncha cute dresses to try on.

Of course, me being the me that I am, tell her you don't wear dresses.

So we both end up picking these;

So we both end up picking these;

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Your best friends dress^^

Your best friends dress^^

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My  outfit^^

You both spend your precious money on the outfits, and walk out.

"See, told you it would work."

*At the dance*

We both arrive at the dance (lookin cute asf!) And your eyes immediately meet C/N's

He was staring you down, biting his lip.

I blushed so hard, I  wished that I weren't there.

My best friend, being the sweet awesome gal she was, walked away towards HER date.

C/N's friends egged him on to go 'do it'.

They walked away, and C/N started walking towards me.

I looked around, making sure he wasn't walking towards anyone else.

I slightly smiled to yourself, and he smiled at you.

He stopped in front of you and said-



"So... lame dance right?"

As soon as he said that, I eased up.

"Oh my God, yes! Y/B/F practically FORCED me to come."

"Samee. My friends legit blackmailed me into this. They said that if I don't go, they'll tell you that I li-" he immediately stopped, and blush crawled onto his cheeks.

I smiled for comfort, and the blush melted away from his cheeks.

We smiled at each other for a while, and he started leaning in.

Butterflies started having seizures in my stomach.

He got closer, and closer, and...

His soft, plump lips placed onto mine.

He pulled away, but I was the one who smiled first.

"Wanna go dance?"



Thanks you for reading! Sorry for the absence, but I'm back!💖💕🌸

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