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This is starting out FANTASTIC HUH

Yeah so my H.A.G. fans I kinda uhh started a HamilHam book (Sorry not sorry im a music FREAK) SO IF YALL LIKE HAMILTON TOO HAVE FUN (Will be working on His Angelic Grace from time to time maybe i just havent been too inspired now a days) OK LETS JUST GO WITH THIS BEFORE I LOSE INSPIRATION


I went to my friend's place before we went to the party to catch up an uh...

We started a truth or dare game. Laf's Idea...

"Mon Ami I dare you to, hmm, Ooooo Wear a dress to the party."  Laf smirks and I give him a look of determination back 'IM GON WEAR THE BEST DAMN DRESS SOMEONE GET ME SOME FAKE BOOBS A BRA AND ALL THAT OTHER SHIT' I think smirking and getting up.

"Anyone bring a dress?" Knowing Hercules always has one at hand incase anyone messes up theirs.

"Here try this one." He hands me a black flowy and elegant gown that is single sleeved with small gems meticulously placed to look like stars in the night sky with the sleeve a eggshell or a gray silver color to be the moon. It really is beautiful and I tell him so grinning.

"Laf you're on hair duty and makeup. Herc do u have other peices so I can make it more believable?" They nod at the commands getting up and al of us rushing to the bathroom with supplies.

~1 hour later~


"Alexander get a hold of yourself your Bi is showing."

We head back to the main room to continue and after Herc got dared to do a back flip and HOLY SHIT HE FACEPLANTED XD.

Lafayette picked truth and was asked why he had makeup. "Oh Mon Ami do you think I wake up this beautiful?"

Once it got back to me it was Hercules's turn.

"Hehe this one is good. I dare you to act like a girl for a month." bOI HE IS ON.

We soon saw we had to hightail our asses to the party and HOLY SHIT RUNNING IN HEELS IS HARD.

~~They get there finally~~

We walk in with so much confidence turning heads.

Its all really fun making jokes flirting with guys who get so nervous cause they are usually the ones who flirt instead.

Then I saw him. I swear to GOD my heart just hit my rib cage cause I felt my bones rattle.

I could feel myself blushing cause this boy with green eyes and freckles like EVERYWHERE is now looking at me.

'It's ok calm down put on that confident smile and go over there hopefully he's bi at least.' I strut over twords him.

"Hi whats a guy like you standing here all alone?" Oh GOD THIS IS NERVE WRACKING.

"Hehe i'm not alone now." He smiles and I literally can NOT EVEN BELEIVE SOMEONE COULD BE SO HOT AND ADORABLE AT THE SAME TIME.

"W-What's your n-name?" Dammit nervous studders.

"I'm John Laurens."

"Alexandra Hamilton." I told ya I don't take dares lightly.

"You s-seem like a nice guy, wanna go out later?" Smooth Hamilton.

I see him tense up but put a smile on.

"Sorry i'm gay but we could meet up later as friends though." Shit.

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