I can't say

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>Bugs POV<

I was watching TV with Daffy. I look over across the couch, He was sleeping. How can he fall asleep while watching something with the volume up loud? He always falls asleep when we are watching TV at night. I blushed, he's so cute when he's sleeping~ I shook my head. What!?  What am I saying? I sat up, I look back at Daffy. I don't like Daffy. Do I?

"Nah" I said out loud

Daffy moved a bit. I covered my mouth. I almost woke him up. I sat on the couch real still so I wouldn't wake him up. I turned down the volume of the TV. What was that? Why would I say that out loud? I think there's something wrong with me. I shook it off. I couldn't sit down on that couch for any longer. Maybe I'm just sick. I went to my room and went to bed. I couldn't fall asleep there.


>Daffys POV<

"What? Where am I?" 

Oh, I fell asleep after watching that terrible show. Bugs wasn't there, surprising he actually likes that show. I got up and looked around. Bugs isn't up yet? Huh? Suit yourself. I grabbed the cereal. Hmm should I eat cereal, or have bugs make breakfast for me. I'm to tired to pour cereal.

"BUGS! IM HUNGRY!" I screamed.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" bugs said angrily

"What do you want?"

I looked at Bugs. He looked miserable. Did he get any sleep?

"A beef burrito" I said

"That's not a breakfast food! Uh okay whatever" said Bugs

He didn't say anything else after that. Why was he acting like this. Probably not anything to big. Huh

>Bug POV<

I feel weird now. Everytime I see Daffy my heart starts to beats fast. Why would I let this happen to me? What am I even thinking? I-

"Uh, so how's that beef burrito going" said daffy

"Be patient" 


Daffy sat on the couch. Dang it, now I can't stop thinking about last night. I couldn't sleep all night. I was thinking about Daffy. Why would he keep me from sleeping. He wasn't even up

>Daffys POV<

I can't believe bugs is making me a beef burrito. He never makes me things without putting up a fight. And the stranger things is that he sat there for a long time looking at me after he said he'd make one. Maybe Bugs is hiding something from me. Maybe a waffle maker. Or something even better. A candy bar.

"Hey Bugs!"

"What daff?"  Said Bugs

"I know what you're hiding"

"What!?" he said

Oh now I know it's something good

"Come on, just tell me what I'm getting."

"What are you talking about you idiot" bugs laughed

"Come on, your hiding something from me"

"No I'm not. Go sit down" said bugs

"Okay, but I have my eye on you" I said

He wouldn't his anything from me, so it's probably a surprise

Confused ~Baffy~Where stories live. Discover now