(27) Mingyu

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"You're so short Y/N!" He chuckled while ruffling your hair. You pouted and pushed his hand away from my hair. You went over towards the mirror and fixed your hair.

"Its not my fault your a giant. " You noticed in the reflection of the mirror that he was staring at you.

He broke out into laughter and tackled you onto the couch. "My little Y/N is so cute" He tickled you.

You sat there, staring at him blankly since you weren't ticklish.

"After all these years of dating, you still don't know im not ticklish" You spoke nonchantly as his smile turned into a pout.

He tried tickling you again but you didn't laugh one bit. "Hahahaha" You fake laughed just to troll him.

"wow" He mumbled.

While he was thinking you started to tickle him, he was laughing so much you decided to stop.

"Your so ticklish" You smirked.

"Don't you d-" his sentence got cut off by you tickling him.


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