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“Kai…Who do those Starbursts belong to?” Uruha asks pointing over at the table behind him.                

Kai looks at Uruha from behind his drum set with a raised eyebrow. “Ruki’s why?”                                    

“Oh nothing” replies Uruha taking glances back at the sweets, while slowly inching back.                      

“You know Ruki gets pissed when people touch his candy without permission.”Kai tells Uruha after seeing the guitarist reach for the sweet.                                                                        

“Pshh not at me, Chibi loves me. Im his favorite Uruha replies back confidently biting back his doubts, Candy in hand. He reached into the package to grab a candy when a hand came out of nowhere snatching the bag.

“Uii” Growled Uruha. He turned around to glare at whoever scared him. “Ruki you scared me!” He exclaimed once his eyes landed on the tiny vocalist.

 “Who said you could touch my candy?” Ruki asks looking up at Uruha. 

” I just wanted to have a piece” he pouted crossing his arms across his chest.

Ruki thought he looked adorable like that. He shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts. He snapped out of his thoughts upon feeling himself being shaken.


“Can I have a piece?

Nope, these are mine. If you want some go to the vending machine.”

Ruki turned around and walked to the couch so he could eat his starburst in peace, leaving a sulking Uruha behind.

Kai laughed at Uruha’s disappointed face. “Told you”

“Shut up meanie-chan.” Uruha stomped out the door past Aoi and Reita who were just coming in.         

“What happened to ducky?” asked Aoi as he headed over to his boyfriend to peck him on the lips. Kai sighed as Aoi stood behind him wrapping his arms around him. Kai leaned back against Aoi and retold everything that occurred before they came in. Aoi laughed before looking in Ruki’s direction.”Chibi you should have just given him one. Now he’s going to be a grouch for the rest of practice.”

Ruki glared at Aoi before turning back to his sweets. Reita chuckled at him while playing through Derangement, making Ruki look up at him.

“what” growled Ruki glaring at Reita who sat across from him on the other couch.      

"Nothing” he replied looking back down at his bass frowning when a note didn’t come out the way he wanted.

Uruha entered the snack room and walked up to the vending machines. He stood in front of the first one looking through the shelves for the sticky sweet. He frowned to himself when he didn’t see it.  He moved over to the next one repeating the same actions as before and still nothing. Uruha turned around and stalked back towards the practice room intent on getting at least one sweet.

The door banged into the wall from the force of Uruha opening the door. His eyes locked onto Ruki’s form and he smiled, until he saw Ruki unwrapping the last starburst.

“Oi don’t you dare eat that starburst” Ruki cocked an eyebrow at Uruha’s outburst before shrugging and popping the last one in his mouth. He moaned as the taste of watermelon on his tongue.

Uruha could feel the eyes of his band members watching him, waiting for something to happen. He could care less about that, he just wanted candy. He smirked. He would get that last piece one way or another. He walked over to Ruki who was lying down on the couch with his eyes closed sucking on the candy.

He straddled the vocalist before leaning down and pressing his lips to the other. He smiled as he felt the vocalist jerk beneath him and gasp. He took the chance to slide his tongue past the vocalists lips and roam the others mouth. He found the Starburst and pulled it into his mouth moaning lightly at the taste before pulling away from the kiss. He smiled at the dazed look on Ruki’s face while chewing on the starburst.

Sweet victory he thought.

Uruha turned his head towards the others only to find them staring at him with wide eyes, mouths open. Reita was the first to recover from shock. “What the hell was that!” he exclaimed.

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