Chapter One ~ My names Tess

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I am nothing.
I am no one.
Just a random face you see, never to be seen again.
I'm drowning in this black abyss, with no one to save me.
Vines are strangling me, constricting my movements and cutting off my air supply.
The demons pull be deeper into their lair.
I fight with all my remaining strength.
But I fail, like I always do.
And I just let them take me


I woke up, gasping for air. My bed was drenched with sweat again. I groaned, and looked AF my alarm clock covered in sharpie.


"Ugh" I groaned. I had like and hour til school started. I collapsed on my bed again.

Today was my first day at Noteel High. I had recently moved away from my immediate family, and bow living with another relative that's always away traveling.

I don't like talking about myself, and since I moved here, after Christmas, nearly a year ago, I haven't spoken. But they bow think I should go to school. And I have no choice bug to obey like a mindless zombie.

I got up again and trudged over to my floor length mirror, examining myself. My dark brown hair looked like a birds nest as always, and my brown-green hazel eyes were puffy from crying myself to sleep. My body shape was very fragile, but I always wore baggy clothing to hide it.

I turned away from the shameful reflection and chose my outfit for the day. I threw on a black baggy shirt, black ripped jeans and converses. I debated on whether I should wear pigtails, but I just put on a grey slouch beanie instead.

I left the house as quickly as possible, not bothering to eat, as I rarely did these days.

I wanted to make it to school early so I could map the campus out without demonic kids swarming the hallways.


I quickly learnt the layout, and my time table, so I was all set.

I was already making my way to homeroom when the bell rang, so I was there first.

I sat down the back, watching everyone file in. Its was very noticeable who belonged to which group.

Why did I have to join in Term Four....good job Tess, I thought to myself.

I just sat there doodling eyes, when someone came crashing into the room 

They stood up and I saw that they had light brown hair, cut like a boy and they were dressed like one. They were wearing a FNAF flat cap backwards as well.

I cocked my head. Weird.

Then everyone started to laugh, and someone yelled out
"Trans Freak!!"

Transgender...okay then

She- I meant he, ignored them and sat beside me. I moved to the side a bit, awkwardly.

Then he spoke to me.

"Hey. You must be the new kid"

I just nodded, ears turning red

"Not gonna talk? Okay then. My names Alax Patten. As you could tell from before I am a trans FTM."

I still said nothing.

He just nudged me.

I decided to say something.

"You're in the class then?"


Alax just laughed at me.

"Yea I am. Do you mind me asking your name?"

I sat there.
Tell a stranger my name means friendship...
Did I really want that?

Of course I did.

I turned and smiled at him.

"The names Tess. Tess Ricketts"


Hey guys, Cheshire here.

So this is short, but the other chapters will be a bit longer okay?

Anyways, welcome to Chapter One.



Word count~ 602

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