Chapter One

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"The flowers sure are pretty at this time of year"

A little girl was walking among the flowers in a white kimono, her long dark hair shinned in the sun, she nods and smile as she look up with her darkblue eyes at the older woman. They walk on a small path at the flower field, the little girl bows down and picke up some flowers, she smiled as she look up again.

"I picked some flowers for you grandmother" she said with a cute big smile

"Thanke you my sweet little darling" the grandmother answered, "Would you please carry them for me back to the castle?" the little girl nods. on the way the grandmother stops, and listens to the surroundings, there was a noice from not such a far distance, sond of running people or perhaps... hunters... 

"Darling How about we play a little game?" the grandmother ask, in hope that the girl havn't notice.

"What, what?" the girls was jumping of joy, clapping in her hands.

"How about hide and seek, you will hide and I will go out looking for you" said the grandmother, kneling down to the girl "now hide, sweety". The grandmother placed her hands in front of her eyes, and the girl ran over to  nerby tree and climp into it.

The grandmother stood up and walked around the field looking for the girl. At the opesite end a small crowd of men, the all carried weapons in there hands a few stopped at the old lady to ask "Have you seen a demon around here?"

"I'm sorry but i haven't, I'm just looking for some pretty flowers to my home"

"If you see one please tell us, some of the people in the town say the have seen a demon kid around here" one said, the old lady nodded and waved goodby to the men. when they were gone, she looked for the girl around the tree she was hidding in. Sh elooked up and saw some of the kimono she was wearing.

"Found you"

The girl jump dawn while giggleling, they walk back to the backway to the castle.

"Grandmother who was those men at the field?"

"Just some hunters, some one had seen a big bear, so they went out to check it wasn't too near the town" answered the grandmother

"A bear? what kind of bear?"

"I don't know sweety, but I'm sure it wont hurt anybody"

"Can we have one? I will look after it I promise"

"Sure sweety when you get older, know way don't you go in and give those to your mother?" she gently pushed the girl over to a slidedoor.

"Are you sure she likes them?" the girl ask shy

"Yes she will love them"

The girl enter the room where a beautiful young lady sits fully consetrating on her needlework. her black hair was bound in a bun with small pearl decorations in it, she looks up from her work with a gentle smile.

"Oh there you are I have been looking for you two everywhere, where have you been?"

"Uhm.. we picked flowers for you" said the ggirl walking over with the bouquet to her

"Thanke you Izumi, mother" she gently took the flowers, and called for a servant and asked her to find a vase for the flowers, then she huged Izumi and her mother. 

In the raining evening after Izumi had been put to bed the parrent og the grandmother talked in a small room. they were all worried about the hunters, since they had been more oposet about the demon kid than usual. And more people had gone missing the past few months.

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