Chapter Seven

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Izumis POV

I walked up the dark stairs, It felt like  the walls of the mountain bangan to move closer to me. I paniced a bit and start to run with full speed, it felt like a ran forever before reaching the top. I triped over the last step and ended with my face in the ground. I looked up and saw a dark hall that was slovely falling apart, it was clear the no one had been hear for years. there was small light rays coming in from the hoes in the walls and roof. I got on my feets and began to carrefully walk, the floor was making creaking sounds, and there was spider's web all over the place. I didn't know I was looking for so I just walked around looking at the rooms. The dinner hall was huge and there was set for a big dinner, that never became to anything. I walked over to a door end the other end and walked into a stone kitchen, there was two doors one that leaded a few steps up and one that was placed beside a table. I tried to open that one first, it lead outside to a yard there was toys on the ground and clothes hanging to dry. I closed the door and turned to the one at the few steps. It leaded to a new hall, like the other one, I could fell something on my shoulder crawling. "A spider!!!" I ran into all the spider's web screaming to get it of. As I finnaly stoped I notice that I had no clue about where I was, but I started to hear weird sound and it was not spiders or the floor. I fumbled after some sort of light a candle or something else but instead I found something that felt like a moving kranium, the chills ran down my whole body as I finnaly found a candle and something to turn it on with. The light showed that I had been walking on bones from the dead bodies of my family. I looked for the moving kranium but it was gone, it only make me feel like freaking more out, but I kept walking forward regreating that I had turned on the light of the candle. The sounds kept following me and I couldn't find out where it came from, I feltt something run over my foot and I started to scream again. "I Hate This Freaking Creepy Place!!!" I ran down the until a slidedoor came in my way, but indsteed of stopping I ran through it. I stopped as I ran into the wall and felt right on my butt. "Auch" I robbed it as I got up again. In front of me was a big painting of a couple, theyy were royal as far as I could see, pretty clothes long fine hair and so on. I held the candle up and saw there was more candles, I started to turn some of them on to light the room up. It has once been a bedroom for a child but the bed was almost gone and the most of the furnish was ruin too. I looked at the floor and saw why I heard sounds it was rats and that also explained the moving kranium. This room only held skeleton for one or two people that had almost disappeared. I looked at the painting again, the couple seemed familiar but I wasn't sure who they were. As the old man had said they did have a beauty appearence and kind faceses, it took me a few minutes before I realiced who they were... my biologically parents. I felt down on my knees crying over the sight of them. As I sat there the sound of rats became more quiet and I felt a sort of hand on my shoulder, as I turned my head I saw a the couple from the painting in front of me. Their smiles warmed my heart and I wanned to hug them but as I reach out for her hand I only met the emty air, it is hard to hug a ghost if you can touch them.

"Mom.... Dad..." I said as the tears contiued running down my face. They nodded moved closer to me both placing their arms around me, even if I couldn't feel it I still felt the warm of their love that flow into me. I closed my eyes and started to see my home before it was ruined, I saw their memories from back then.


"I'm hear be quiet our daughter is sleeping" My mother hush at my father with a gentle smile

"How is she?" my father asked and looked at the door into my room.

"Perfect like an angle" my mother wink to my father and pushed him away from the room. "Have you heard from the humans?"

"No.... I fear Izumi will withness this war, it has after all spred out so all demons and humans are in war now" my father sighted

"I only hope we can end ours I don't wont to loose her like my great grandfather lost his first born child... I couldn't bear it if I lost my little diamond" my mother said, she had a sad face. My father placed his arm around her and looked her in the eyes "That will never happen, she is strong you can see it she has after all already showened signs of her powers a years earlier than other does" They both looked at each other and a smile grown on their faces and my mother nodded.

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