Tell Them How You Feel..

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"Tell them how you feel."

That's what it said to me.

"It will help you with your problems just tell them, you'll see."

"But what if they don't care?" I screamed in dark despair.

"They will", it repeated, "they will, they will. I swear!"

"Tell them how you feel", it continued to say.

"Tell them how you feel, tell them, it will make it okay!"

"But what if they don't listen?" I cried to the glowing moon.

"They will", it whispered. "They will listen like it's the truth!"

"But it is the truth, the real blunt truth! Why am I even speaking to you?!"

"Because I care, very much my friend. I will care until your deep dark end."

"But why can't I live a life like you?! Why must what you say I have to do?!"

"It will bring us all great delight. Tell them, tell them! Set things right!"

"Tell them how you feel!" it growled into the unknown.

"Tell them how you feel! Tell them! Let it be known!"

"But what if it causes me distress?" I asked in a timid tone.

"What if they use it against me in some cruel way; who knows?!"

"Stop being selfish!" it snarled in sheer dislike.

"How will I feel? If you live alone to fight,

Silently and quietly without a sense of fright?

No, tell them how you feel! Your idea is not right!"

One step, two step, three step, four.

"Now you're knocking on deaths door."

Five step, six step, seven and eight.

"Quick jump now or it'll be too late."

Eight, Nine, and on Ten...

"This is where you finally stand."

"Quick jump now for it will be your last.

Tell them how you feel." Below the bridge is vast.

"No one will care if you go, no one would ask

Why or how or where or when. They do not care, not at all my friend.

I am the only one who bleeds your pain.

I am your body, I feel the bloody vain

That throbs beneath your pink light skin

No one else cares, or knows the pain you're in.

Please don't be scared now it will be alright.

Tell them how you feel by jumping tonight.

And as you fall to the deep dark depths,

Think. Was I ever really, truly, your friend?"

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