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I wasn't sure what to do. The figure holding the gun was unclear because of the little drops of rain on my window. The person tapped on my window again.
Somehow all the students were gone from the parking lot and I was alone. The figure holding the gun opened the door and I stepped out of the car. It was a male dressed entirely in black. He took a step back as I came out of the car. He had a hoodie on and all I could see was his eyes which looked like they were red. I closed the door behind me amd put my hands up. I took a small step to the side in an effort of trying to get a better look at his face. I still could only make out his eyes.
Well this morning went sour real quick. And where was everybody,I didn't here the bell.
The dude in black said something but I didn't here him. So he said it again louder.
"If you try to ascend I will tear your limbs apart." He said with what sounded like a growl in his voice.
He pointed his gun at my  chest and then pointed it to a truck that was parked across the road. I assumed it was his so I complied and walked towards the truck. It was all black including the mags. The only thing that survived the onslaught of black was the head lights. I mentally kicked myself for staying in the car and not leaving with Michael.
Oh. That's right,he left with Rhea.
At that very moment all I could think of was Mikey.
"Hey Will,where are you going?"
I turned around and saw Mikey shouting from my car. He seemed to realise the stupidity of that question when he saw the guy who had the gun trained at me. All of a sudden I could hear Mikey in my head talking to me almost as of he were right next to me.
"Will I need you to run now."
All I did was shake my head to say no.
I heard a growl and I looked at the man who was pointing the gun at me. He dropped it and fell on his knees as veins started bulgding in his hands and his eyes became a whole lot more red. He whipped his head back and let out another growl.
"Will. Run!" Shouted Mikey.
He didn't have to tell me twice. I ran towards the school building and Mikey was running towards me. He ran past me and spear tackled the guy on his knees into the trees behind the van. I heard a branch snapping followed by what sounded like a yelping dog. I ran after Michael into the trees. He wasn't there or the man with red eyes. As I was about to turn back for help. I heard some twigs snap on my right and I came face to face with a wolf. A big black one with deep red eyes starring right into my eyes.
All of a sudden,Mike came running out from one of the bushes and shoulder rammed the wolf. The wolf and Mikey were now barrel rolling on the floor. I saw it try to bite him but missed and he punched it on the side of its head. Eventually a tree stopped them from rolling any further but the wolf lay on top of Mike. They both lay there not moving. All this happened in matter of seconds. All I could do was stand there and stare as if my feet had been cemmented to the ground. After a few seconds I realised that Michael was still under the wolf. I didn't know wether he was dead or still alive. I eventually found the courage to move and get xloser and see if Mikey was okay but as I got closer I noticed that the wolf was still breathing. I got a bit closer and realised that it had passed out. I heard muffled shouts calling my name and I went straight to the wolf and I saw Mikeys' legs sticking out from under it. I grabbed his feat and pulled him out from under the unnaturally large predator.
"We need to get to Val's right now." Mikey said out of breath
I didn't bother with too many questions except for one.
"What the hell was that?"
Mikey grabbed my right arm and pulled me back towards the school. As soon as we were out of the trees and back within the school parking lot he told me he was going to get Rhea. I followed him because out of all the horror movies I've watched,you never stay alone after being attacked. We eventualy found her in the school library reading a book titled "Valkyrie Mythology".
Mike walked over to her and whispered something to her.
She got up so fast I was surprised the chair didn't fall. She walked over to me and cupped my face almost as if assessing me for any flaws. She looked into my eyes and gasped.
"We need to get him to my father now."
She let her hands down from my face and looked at Michael.
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked looking at her then Mike.
"I know,but we have to tell Mr Kyle first." He said.
Rhea flinched at the mention of Mr kyle which I didn't understand why. He was one of the nicest teachers I knew. He is a tall and muscular guy due to him being a part time personal trainer. He has unnaturaly white hair and storm gray eyes that sometimes looked a deep blue. He also had a deep commanding voice which sometimes sounded close to what Vals' voice sounded like. His choice of clothes was black shoes,black pants(formal), a white shirt and a royal blue tie.
Rhea finally spoke and said,"We need to be quick. We have no idea how soon he might ascend." She emphasised that she was talking about me because she pointed at me with her thumb.

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