Turn around (introduction)

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So here I am at 7:20am, in front of my bathroom mirror looking like the holy grail of shit and what am I doing, regretting spending my entire six weeks on Netflix instead of taking advantage of my summer break.

(who watched more Walt Disney then the man himself?, yours truly)

And yes before you ask, I am one of those people, you know the ones that do nothing then complain for the next two weeks about how boring their life is when if they just got off their fat lazy ass and did something with their time, they may find there is plenty in the world. Yes, why yes that would be me, Holly Peers.

I curse under my breath as rays of sunlight stream through my curtains straight into my drowsy eyes (trust me the eye bags are designer Gucci).

After calling the sun multiple explicit names I strip down before running the water, which mind you takes me a good 3 minutes to find just the right balance between hot and cold without freezing /burning my ass off. Which I'll have you know is an extremely difficult task when squinting due to lake of sleep.

I carefully step out of my shower. By now my eyes have fully adjusted to broad daylight and my mood has improved but believe me I am still very pissed, mornings have never really been my cup of tea.

I wrap my towel around my dripping body and make my way across the room to wear my wardrobe is located.

Today I decide to go with a more casual look to meet my shitty mood, that being said I pull on a pair of black skinny jeans, large oversized knitted jumped and a pair of black vans.

Much to my disgust I do need to make my self look at least a little presentable so I settle for some black mascara and clear lipgloss accompanied by my straight dirty blonde hair pulled back into a loose ponytail.

On my drive to school a song begins to blast on the radio perfectly describing my day ahead, Manic Monday.

Six o'clock already

I was just in the middle of a dream

I was kissin' Valentino

By a crystal blue Italian stream

But I can't be late

'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid

These are the days

When you wish your bed was already made.

It's just another manic Monday

I wish it were Sunday

'Cause that's my fun day

My I don't have to run day

It's just another manic Monday.

This is one of my all time favourite songs.

But all good things come to an end right? Because just as I was about to rock it out to the chorus I arrive at my destination the dreaded Eastwood High.

Then I remember, I have one more whole year until I can officially leave this hell hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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