Chapter 2: Getting Along

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Before I start the story, I want to tell you all that I'm going to try to make a new chapter everyday, so no need to worry. I might not always be able to because 1: I might have a lot of homework (I'm an 8th grader) or 2: I'm grounded. None of those are a problem today, but might be in the future. Ok, here's Chapter 2 :)


That night, you were dreaming about a memory you had a while back. A break up. You were at the bey park with your boyfriend, Shu Kurenai. "So, what did you want to talk about Shu?" you asked. He looked at you, kinda sad. "I think we should break up." He says. You were shocked, "W-why? Did I do something bad? Did I-" "It has nothing to do with you.." he says, "I'm going to America, so we won't be able to be together." "I could come with, or text you, or-" "No, I'll be too busy. I'm sorry."

You wake up, crying silently, Wakiya was in the room next to you. "Shu..." You held your legs close to your chest and cried. You heard a knock at your door, then it opens.

"You ok sweetheart?" You hear. You look up and see Silas. You wipe your tears, trying to act like nothing happened. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." "You sure? I heard you crying and-" A dog past him and started to sniff the room.

"How did a dog get in here?" You ask. Silas rubs his head a bit. "She's mine...I brought her here, she's good, so don't worry." "I'm not worried at all, I love animals!" you say, jumping out of bed, letting the dog sniff you, then you pet it.

"What's her name?"


"Nice name."

He smiles. Wakiya walks in, rubbing his eyes. "What is going's 2 in the mor-" he looks at Tathy. "Why is there a dog in here?!" "She's mine, got a problem with that boss?" Silas asked. "Yes, I do ha-" "Wakiya, really?" you ask him, giving him a bruh look. Wakiya crosses his arms, huffing. "Fine, it can stay." "YAY!" you yell, hugging the dog.

"Since we're awake, we might as well get to training, we are going up against BC Sol in 12 days, so we have to get ready." "BC Sol..." Silas says. "Hey, Valt and Honcho are on that team." You say smiling. "Valt? Who's that?" Silas asked. "He's my cousin, and me and Wakiya's friend, he has blue spiky hair and-" "I know him." Silas says, walking off and getting ready to train.

You close the door and start to change. "H-hey! I'm still in here!" Wakiya said, blushing a bit. "And?" you say, "you've seen me in my underwear before, remember? When we were about 9, I'm not bothred by it." "Y-yeah, but...I'm going to change." Wakiya said, changing and closing the door. "K, see ya."

You come out in a white t shirt and jeans, you grab (Y/B) and launcher, heading to a beyblade stadium, you saw Silas waiting.

"You could've practiced while I was changing" "Eh" he says, you smile a bit, practicing as you wait for Wakiya.

After 7 minutes, Wakiya comes down wearing his usual clothes. "It takes 7 minutes to change?" Silas says mockingly. Wakiya growls. "You know how long it takes to jell your hair and yet put it in a pony tail?" "I know how to jell, but it takes two minutes." They argued for about 3 minutes, you then yelled, "IF YOU TWO DON'T SHUT UP!!" Wakiya become quiet, he knew what would happen if he kept pushing it. Silas, on the other hand, grinned, "What? You'll braid our hair?" he said, still grinning. "Shut" Wakiya said, Silas rolled his eyes. "You're scared of a puiny little girl?"

Wakiya became very scared. "You f***ed up..." Wakiya said, backing up. You put down your launcher, went up to Silas, and punched him right in the gut. He fell, holding where you punched. "This is why you don't annoy me." you say, getting ready to train. "I told you." Wakiya said

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