Chapter 8- My Blame

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Song: Mark Redito- 3am Apologies.  (This song pretty much sums up Zachariah's feelings) 

~Irene Blair~

"I'm sorry Alpha but a forced marking pain is unbearable so she'll feel pain during the connection for a while. She will get better soon, but it wasn't right." I woke up with an uncomfortable, burning sting on my neck and now listening to the doctor's words I feel worse.

"Yes, Alpha. My suggestion is that you stay with her at all times and keep in contact with her, I'll leave now." The doctor left quietly closing the door as Alpha Zachariah sat on the chair next to me, my eyes were closed.

He sighed. "I know you're awake," Wow. I heard his voice in my head for the first time. His gentle and deep soothing voice, so deep that it could melt me in a volcano. 

I saw the water on my bedside table but I couldn't move. He fed me with a straw. My throat cooled down, feeling the water lighting up my insides. 

We didn't say anything for a while.

He marked me without my verbal consent, he hurt me in ways that I didn't think was possible and worst of all, I thought that we could be compatible in a way. He's like the stereotypical Alpha jackass. Forcing a mark is frowned upon in the werewolf committee, he did the one thing that could ruin me mentally and physically. How can I be Luna if I didn't want him to mark me, how can the people accept me if I didn't accept their Alpha and the pack by choice? 

"I did it for a reason, so it's best to deal with it for now," I didn't say anything and rolled over to the opposite side of him so I don't have to face his meaningless expressions. I wouldn't be in this distress and he didn't have the guts to apologise.

I heard him shuffle around then swiftly lay down next to me and snuggled into my cold stiff frame by putting his heavy arms around my arm. "Stop. Please just leave me alone for now," I asked desperately not used to this type of attachment, it was uncomfortable. I tried to move around so he gets the point but it was useless so I turned to face him.

Oh, heavens. Those beautiful and breathless brown eyes stared back at me swiftly snatching my tongue, I'm always amazed by the details of mixed reddish and golden flickers in his eyes that it felt as if I was literally lost inside of them. 

No! It's the mate bond. 

He tightened his hold on my body with our faces nearly touching, I felt my skin bruise from his death grip, he knew he was hurting me, in fact, he enjoyed my pain as the glint in his sadistic eyes had me squirming and whimpering and yet he increased his inhuman strength.

"Stop it! Stop hurting me!" I screeched.

I shoved him off me and he fell off the bed with a growl. "I didn't want to be marked! I didn't tell you to mark me." My voice was getting louder by the second, moving back on the headboard I created more distance. "Why didn't you listen to me?" I cried. The pain was overwhelming. I couldn't believe his idiocy. 

He stood up looking at me like a predator. "Rest. I'll be back later," 

"Get out of my head!" I heaved in and out. "I preferred it when you were silent!" I wiped my damp eyes, "Leave me alone..." I can't bear this pain. 

His shoulders slumped as he frowned, leaving the room with a bang making me jump. 

My neck was battered, my head was tattered and my heart shattered. He shouldn't have marked me. I felt his sadness and anger through our mate bond and I hated it, I hated feeling his unwanted emotions drowning me. I know he'll feel mine too. 

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