Inspired by the song "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson (will be posting it on the side---> when this is out there), this one shot starts as a monologue from the perspective of a young girl, about six years old, as she speaks to her cousin over the phone, holding her baby sister in her arms. Her parents are downstairs in the kitchen, arguing.
I can hear mommy and daddy fighting again. Mommy tried to make me stay with her, but daddy hit me...I got scared and ran away. I'm sorry mommy, I really am.
I don't know why they keep fighting. It's very scary. They yell and yell and throw things. Sometimes daddy leaves and doesn't come back for a very long time. Mommy just holds me and cries and tells me how horrible daddy is. Sometimes she gets mad at me.
She got mad at me yesterday. She threw her glass of grape juice at me. I'm ok, Alice, I am. I already wrapped up all my cut with my Dora band-aids. I need to help mommy.
Baby Dani is crying, Alice. She won't stop. Mommy dropped her on her head a little while ago, when daddy hit me. It's a little bit red, but it looks okay. I tried to give her her bottle, but she won't take it. I think she's having trouble with swallowing.
No! I can't call the police! Mommy says they'll take me away! I need to stay with mommy! She needs me. She said sorry about throwing the glass, and about hitting me with her bottle, and about stabbing me with her pen...saying sorry makes everything okay, doesn't it? And she's my mommy! Family needs to stick together! No! Stop trying to tell me to call the police! Mommy is my mommy!
*end call*
My heart pounds against my ribs as I put my cellphone down. Cousin Beatrix is going to run into worse trouble if she doesn't call the police soon. I can't do it myself; I don't have any proof. If I called, and told them what had been going on...I wouldn't have anything to show. Beatrix could cover her injuries up as six-year-old clumsiness and her parents could easily play innocent and dumb.
Blood rushing in my ears, I pick up my phone again, dialing the numbers that first come to mind...
um, i left it there, so you can decide who she'll call...whether it be boyfriend, best friend, police, Beatrix's parents, whatever. Yep.

The Idea Book
ContoA collection of "Chapter One"s that I will probably never continue. Feel free to ask for one.