What A Myth

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It was nine o'clock in the morning and my quiet room was filled with the loud beeping of my alarm clock. My leg was hanging off the bed as I stirred a bit and tried to ignore the sound. After a few moments I turned the alarm off before rolling over in an attempt to fall asleep again. Truthfully, I Westley Morral was exhausted. Last night, I had been called in to work an extra long shift even though normally, I was only at work a couple of times a week. To me, work was something that I could do when I was bored and needed some spending money. However, last night they were short of people and had called me into the bar to work. By the time that I had gotten home, it was one thirty in the morning.

I laid there trying to get back to sleep for about five minutes and then realizing that I was failing, I let out a groan and rolled out of bed. I winced slightly as my bare feet landed on the cold wooden floor. Wasting no time, I left my room and made my way to the nearest bathroom, which was just a few doors down from mine. Living with ten other teenagers, it was often difficult to get to the bathroom unless you were up bright and early. Once I was inside, I quickly stripped down the few pieces of clothing that I had worn to bed and hopped into the shower.

About twenty minutes later, I emerged from the scalding hot water. After tossing my dirty clothes into the laundry bin, I wrapped a towel around my hips and made my way back to my room. Quickly, I dried off and tossed the towel onto my bed before pulling on some boxers, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of white socks. Before leaving my room, I slipped my cell phone into my back pocket and grabbed my lighter and a pack of ciggarettes from inside my motorcycle jacket. I kept quiet as I made my way down the stairs because waking anybody up this early was not the way to be in everybody's good books. Once I was down the stairs, I headed into the kitchen and slipped out the back doorway that was in the room. Now that I was outside, I pulled out a ciggarette and lit it up. I didn't smoke often but every now and then, I would get a craving that I couldn't ignore. As I smoked, I wandered around the backyard. It was pretty big, which matched the house. I was glad that I had chosen not to put on a shirt after my shower as I was already starting to overheat. I tried to finish the ciggarette faster so that I could get into the air conditioned house. Making my way to the door that led to the kitchen, I extinguished my ciggarette on the cement beside a large potted plant. Tossing the butt into a garbage can, I made my way back inside. I had learned to always throw away the butt of the ciggarette when I smoked at home because I always got yelled at if I didn't. It was always the typical "you're killing yourself." and "that's so bad for you."

Once I was back in the kitchen, I made way over to the fridge, opened it and stared inside for a while. Eventually, I grabbed the orange juice carton and took a swig before placing it back where I had found it. Heading over to the pantry, I grabbed a can of spaghetti-o's and a bowl from a nearby cupboard. It wasn't the best breakfast but I hated cooking because it took to long. Popping the spaghetti-o's in the microwave, I sat on the counter as I waited for the beep. I knew that I would probably get a glare and a yell to get down if Mrs. Leah saw me but currently, she wasn't around so I took the chance. It was so much more fun than sitting in a boring old chair. Two minutes and thirty seconds must have passed as the microwave beeped and I hopped down to retrieve my breakfast. Grabbing a fork, I sat down at the small table and kicking my feet up, I began to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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