(y/n) POV

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I tracked down the gang to a small rundown building in the badder side of Bludhaven. There was no one in the streets, making it the perfect place for them to hide. As I drew closer to the building, I could hear the men. Using a small piece of tech that I kept from my days with Batman, I scanned the building. Checking the results, I saw multiple men in the hallways. There was a larger group of people further back in the building, including someone tied to a chair.


Taking a deep breath, I jumped down to the street and ducked inside the building. Moving quickly, I threw a smoke bomb into the main hallway. I heard a gasp of surprise and ran inside, quickly taking out the guards. Within a few seconds, they were down.

I sprinted down the rest of the hall, following the floor plan to where Dick was being held. I knew I was close when I heard voices.

"So much for Bludhaven's hero, huh?" a gruff voice said.

"What do you want?" I froze when I heard Dick's voice. He sounded like he was in pain.

"Oh, we're just here to stall. We've got bigger plans after we're done here. We just needed you out of the way."

I flinched when I heard a grunt of pain. Glancing into the room, I saw Dick sitting in a chair, his hands and legs tied so he couldn't move or escape. I quickly counted the other men. Ten in all, most had guns. If they didn't, they most likely had a knife of some kind. I stayed where I was, waiting for the right moment to make my move. I also needed to hear what they were planning.

"What could be more important than hanging out with me?" Dick asked with a small chuckle.

I rolled my eyes.

Always trying to lighten the mood.

He suddenly got a punch to the gut. I held back a shaky breath. Dick looked horrible. His suit was ripping, revealing a few cuts on his arms and chest. Looking at his face, I could see he was exhausted but trying to stall the men and get information from them.

"We've got a bigger prize than you, Bird Boy. One that's worth a lot more too."

"Oh sure. Because Batman's old protege isn't a good enough prize."

"He might have a point, boss," one of the gang members said. The man who had been talking to Dick turned to face him. "He was Batman's sidekick. What if the Bat come for him?"

"The Bat's territory is Gotham," he responded. "But if he does come, we'll leave him a prize." He suddenly pulled out a gun and shot Dick in the leg. I gasped silently as Dick cried out in pain. "Take off his mask," the gang leader ordered. "Once we know who Nightwing really is, we'll finish him and head to the docks. We've got to be there in half an hour."

One of the men stepped forward, reaching towards Dick's mask. I growled slightly and ran into the room, taking down the closest man. The others only realized I was there when I took out a second man.

Two down, eight to go.

"Shoot her!" the boss shouted.

I ducked out of the way, dodging bullets left and right. Running forward, I knocked a gun out of one of their hands. Grabbing him by the back of his shirt, I threw him into two others, throwing them all back into the wall.


I spun around and punched another guy in the face, causing him to stumble back. While he was off balance, I roundhouse kicked someone else in the chest.

I gasped slightly when I felt someone grab onto my hair. Growling, I jumped off the man I had just kicked and did a backflip over the man holding me. I grabbed his wrist, making him release my hair, and pulled his arm behind his back. He cried out in pain before I threw him into the two men I had been fighting before.


I ran at the leader, who continued to shoot at me. He suddenly ran out of bullets and threw the gun aside, now throwing punches. I blocked each one easily. I knocked his arms to the side, catching him by surprise. I quickly grabbed his head and slammed it into my knee, knocking him out.

Releasing him quickly, I turned to face the last man. He was still standing by Dick, frozen in shock. Using his surprise to my advantage, I ran at him. He snapped out of his trance and tried to punch me. I ducked under his arm and ran slightly up the back wall. Pushing off of it, I wrapped my leg around the man's neck, bringing him to the ground. I didn't release him until his body became limp.

I let the man fall to the ground and went to Dick's side. I knelt down in front of him, trying to get him to look at me.

"Dick, come on," she said. "Wake up. I'm here. Everything's going to be alright."

"(y/n)?" he muttered before his head fell.

I quickly grabbed a knife and cut his bonds, carefully lifting him out of the chair.

"Let's get you out of here."

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