Day 1 [Georgie]

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DATE: 19th May 2014 day was pretty crap in all honesty. While everyone else was dancing around in the sun, I was sitting under a tree sniffing like a dog because of this damn cold! A cold you ask? In May? Yes my fellow readers, I have a cold. In may. We had maths too, which didn't make things any better. We're all revising for summer exams at the moment and .. well.....lets just say maths isn't my strongest subject. Yeah, thats a good way to put it. Anyways, suppose I'd better tell you lot about  the rest of my day. Well on Friday, there was a bit of an argument between a couple of friends of mine and lets just say we were all expecting a huge mass explosion today, when we all came back in. We were disapointed. Turns out they had made up over the weekend and we were all greeted this morning with a rather awkward silence. Fun, fun fun!

So yeah thats it for today!

Signing out!!!

Georgie! xxxx :P

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