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Busan was the escape Hae Mi had desperately needed in her life. The air was cleaner, the sea was minutes away, and the people were friendlier. And everywhere she needed was usually within walking distance, which was wonderful.

Within her move to the south of Korea, Hae Mi found herself being the most grateful to her old dance teacher. Hae Mi had carved out a new place for herself at her old dance studio as an instructor. She was teaching classes for prospective dancers who wanted to travel to Seoul to audition to be the next major idol. Hae Mi was more than thrilled to be a part of their journey. Well, so long as no one asked her about why she was thrown out of Big Hit Entertainment or how Park Jimin was doing with his packed schedule.

Although it sucked that she was living so far away from Jimin, BTS was growing their global outreach in leaps and bounds and it was growing even more difficult to see him. With Billboard barking up their tree and their American representation growing stronger by the day, it came to no surprise that the only time she had to see him was as he was falling asleep. Facetime, although a beautiful thing, didn't do seeing him in person justice.

Her breath puffed out in a white cloud as she shuffled down the street, bundled up to the max. Her earbuds were quietly singing "Crystal Snow" into her ears as she headed for the bus stop. She liked to think that the lines Jimin sang were specifically for her, even though her logical side knew that it was a gift BTS had perfectly crafted for their fans. Standing on the curb, she bounced on her toes as she tried to stay warm in the biting grip of winter in Korea.

Hae Mi had been taking turns staying at her bosses home and with Jimin's parents, but she knew it was beyond time that she found her own place. Especially since it was almost Christmas time. Why would she want to get in the way other families happiness when she could stay out of the way? She was tired of being the one who caused the messes and chaos in everyone's life.

She had been working with a realtor and had applied for a small, one room apartment a few blocks over from the dance academy. Although it would suck to have to walk that distance during the winter, it was much better than crashing on people's couches all the time. And the rent was cheap in comparison to what she was paying in Seoul. The real fun would begin when she had to transport all of her furniture and belonging's across the country, but that was a problem for a later time.

Boarding the bus, she headed for the sole seat remaining by the window. The bus was surprisingly busy for the middle of the day and being surrounded by so many other people made her uncomfortable. After the scandal with Jimin and Big Hit, she felt that every curious glance her way was laced with judgment and scorn. Turning up the soothing sounds of BTS' voices, she rested her head against the window and let her eyes trace the Busan surroundings as they blurred past.

Her phone buzzed her hand. Glancing down, she saw Jimin's name flashing across the screen.

[I miss you.]

A small, sad smile flashed across her lips as she stared at the message. Seconds later, a Chimmy appeared on the screen and blew kisses her way. Hae Mi shook her head.

[Is everything okay?]

Even from hundreds of thousands of miles away, Jimin still somehow knew how to read her moods. It amazed her every single time.

[Hae Mi-ah?]

A crying Chimmy popped onto her screen. It was times like these that made Hae Mi realize just how much she truly loved her best friend.

[Yeah, oppa, everything's fine. I just miss you a lot.]

Her heart contracted painfully in her chest; it had been so long since she had seen his smiling face, had been able to hold him in her arms and feel his warmth. It had been so long and there was nothing that she could do to change that. Hae Mi bit her lip, focusing her emotions on that pain, rather than the turmoil boiling beneath her skin.

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