conselor!jasper x female!reader

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It was a normal day at Camp Campbell. Max tieing David to the flag pole. "Wait..What!" you exclaimed as you walked to the flagpole. " Finnally y/n!" David said in a breath of relief. You noticed that Max was starting to walk off. You grabbed him by the hood of his jacket and pulled to where you were standing. "Max this is the fourth time this week" You said sternly. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jasper jogging over. "Hey y/n and David!" He said happily. "One minute." you said to him. You then turned to max and told him to get David down from the flagpole. Then you turned to Jasper to properly address him. "Good morning." you said. He returned it with a good morning as well. "Hey y/n i lost something in my cabin, can you help me find it?" Jasper asked. "How could i say no." you said sarcastically. You walked to jasper's cabin. As you walked into the room you noticed clutter everywhere. Jasper began to say " Watch out-". Your clumsy butt fell over a box onto Jasper. You both blushed intensely before getting off of each other and apologizing. For the next five minutes you just stood gazing into each others eyes. You slowly leaned in. His lips met yours. YOU FUCCED THEN CUDDLED. ;);););););)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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