Chapter 26 -- Going Green

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Hellooo my beautiful peoples! Hope y'all are in the best of health and faith! (:

"You know what’s amazing? How one person being open can affect a whole family. Subhanallah." -- Maysa Malik, Confessions of a Muslim Girl

Chapter 26

Going Green

☼ Maysa Malik ☼

            The first and only time I ever felt jealous was when Noha got a Bedazzler in fifth grade. Man, I wanted one so badly and she got one for her birthday, three months before mine. Let me tell you, being jealous is not a good feeling. It just fills your heart with negativity. And jealousy is pointless, isn’t it? If only humans would listen to their head and forget about their heart. 

            Adam dropped me off at home a couple minutes before Mom got home. I knew Dad and Zakariya were home, but as usual, they took forever to answer the door. Adam waited until I was safely inside before pulling away. Usually, that would cause me to smile and make my heart feel like it was riding The Hulk roller coaster at Universal Studios in Orlando (we went there for vacation when I was twelve). But this time, my conflicting emotions raged inside me, fighting each other for dominance and I couldn’t bring myself to flash him a genuine smile as I waved.

            I change out of my clothes, thinking about how confident I felt tonight. The negativity of my thoughts drains me of energy and I pray Isha namaz and curl up in bed with my favorite PJs. Dad comes in and says, “Salam, Maysa. How was dinner?”

            I smile up at my Dad and sit up. “It was really nice, allhamdulillah.”

            He looks happy. “That’s great to hear. How are Noha and Farah?”

            “They’re doing good, allhamdulillah.”

            He nods again and sits down on my bed. “What about Nazia?”

            It doesn’t matter how upset I am at the moment; the memory of Nazia looking so grown-up and beautiful makes me smile. “Ya Allah, Dad. You’ll see her when she gets home but she looked amazing mashallah. So grown up and so innocent at the same time. She looked like a beautiful angel.” I smile slightly at the memory. “She takes after you, Daddy.” I say teasingly.

            Dad laughs. “Well, it’s a good thing you and her also have a lot of your mother’s beauty.” My heart feels lighter as I see how he smiles slightly at the thought of Mom. My parents had an arranged marriage, but they fell in love. When I was younger, I would beg Mom to dress me up like a princess, and when she did, I would twirl all around the house. But most of all, I would wonder when I would find my prince and I would wait for him, hoping he would walk through the door and sweep me off my feet.

            “Just ‘a lot’? Not all?” I say teasingly.

            My dad grins and shakes his head. “Of course all. Just wait, in a few years, so many boys will be approaching me for your hand in marriage.”

            I laugh, blushing slightly. “Oh, God. At least there’s Zakariya to scare them away.”

            Dad laughs too. “That’ll be effective. Well, go to sleep Maysa. Did you pray Isha namaz?” I nod. “Is your alarm clock set for Fajr namaz?” I nod again.

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