This is dedicated to DestinyErza.
GGO or Gun Gale Online is one of the most famous MMOs currently being played especially after the last BOB or Bullet of Bullets.Today was going to be the day, I was going to get GGO and I know exactly what gun I'm going to use a light machine gun, wait no actually a shotgun... no actually a sniper ahhh I can't decide.
Crap people are giving me weird looks I must look like a weirdo but I just can't decide what gun I should use for GGO. Screw it I'll just get the game first.
I walked into the store and ran straight towards the aisle where GGO was being stored and I didn't see someone walking around the aisle ahead and I ran straight into them.
We both fell but I managed to catch the other person so I ended up beneath them "I'm sorry, so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I apologised "no it's alright neither was I the voice that answered was female and when I opened my eyes I found myself staring into shiny black eyes behind glasses, the girl was also staring and soon things got awkward.
"Are you going to let me get up now?" She spoke I felt blood rush to my face as I let her go and we got up. "Thank you for catching me" she looked over herself to get her bearings and the light caught on her as she did and right then and there she reminded me of a black cat or more like a jaguar she has grace and a hint of fierceness.
She turned to face me and once again she caught me staring, what is wrong with me? "H-Hi my name Yume Helia what's yours?" A small played it's way on to her face she answers "my name is Shino Asada, what's got you so excited?"
Now I remembered why I came here "o-oh-oh I came here to get GGO" Assad's eyes widened and her smile grew bigger "I guess I'll see you in there"
"You mean you have GGO?" I got so excited I swear my eyes sparkled, she laughed a little at my reaction, it was cute, wait... I thought she was cute... huh. "Yeah I do I'm a sniper my online name is Sinon maybe we could play together?"
"Yeah let's" I swear I answers way too quickly. "Then I'll see you later in GGO." She turned and left.I stared at her as she left and once she was out of sight my eyes wandered over to the clock. Shiz I gotta go, I ran over to the GGO game and grabbed it and ran for the store counter.
Later outside the house~
I walked up to the door and slid my key in and turned the knob slowly and I silently crept in and closed the door quietly behind me. With game in hand I silently took a step toward the stairs and then another then... I feel pain, my sister hit me "Yume your home late we were so worried" my head had a bruise now "you sure seem worried" my sis came up to my face and cracked her knuckles "was that backchat missy"
"Sorry!" My sis's mood soften at that "I really was worried you know, you should've called or something"
"I'm sorry" I ran in for a hug before running up the stairs.Now I have the the game and the headgear "Let's do this" I loaded the game and yelled "Pink Start!" I got so excited I said the wrong thing "Link Start" bright colours filled my sight as I entered the game and when I opened my eyes I found my self in a character creation room.
My character should have long red hair, hazel eyes and the same height as the real me... My name I shall dub myself Azre ok done. More lights appeared and this time when I opened my eyes I found myself in a huge grey city. I looked around at my surroundings and found many screens on the buildings that showed ads for guns as well as streams of other players.
One was showing this one player called Strider who was extremely agile and dressed in a white/grey camo suit. Ok time to find a gun store.
1 hour later~
"Why can't I find a dumb gun store?! Sinon where are you?!" I have been lost for the past hour walking around this huge place and I somehow still haven't found a gun store.I felt a tap from behind and so I had no choice but to turn and I found myself staring at a green haired girl with rifle and who seemed familiar. "Hi I heard my name so I came over to see what was wrong" I fell in utter relief which caused some people to turn and face us, Sinon panicked a little and bent down to check on me. I looked up and locked eyes with her before and went up to her ear to whisper my name "it's me Yume"
Recognition flashed across Sinon's face and she offered me a hand. I slowly grasped it and felt how warm it was, even though we're in a game. She then proceeded to show me where a gun store was.
There was one literally right around the left corner if I had kept going I could have made it. We went in and Sinon showed me around the place because she had come here before.
"So Azre what kind of gun are you looking for?"
"I... still don't know"
"How much money do you even have?"
I opened my inventory which took about 6 try's and I have about $20,000 which is the average of a starting player.
"I have $20,000" Sinon thought on this and recommended that I should get a pistal for my secondary gun so I went over to the pistal section and checked it out.I looked at the different pistols and I came to a decision I bought the Beretta 93R a gun with a range of about 50m and can fire 1100 rounds a minute. It cost me $10,000 so I just spent half my money.
Sinon and I walked around some more and I asked about how long she's been playing for and it was only a few months ago so she was pretty new as well. I needed to buckle down and pick a gun. Then I saw it the most Beautiful shotgun ever it was a Kel-Tec KSG and without even thinking ran over and bought it.
I held it close, practically strangling it and walked back over to Sinon. Another smirk appeared on her face and now I realise I am being a huge dork, I gotta play it cool. "Now that you have guns Azre welcome to GGO."

Simon x Reader. Sinon X Reader
FanficObvious Title. That's meant to be Sinon X Reader.