Tom/kisses her passionately she kisses back.
Lexi it's been two months since we started dating... and I wanted to know how much do you love me?
Lexi/dose spell to make a diagram of her heart and brain appear. Tom looks at it and is in shock on her brain 2%is school98% is him. In her heart it is 100% him. The spell ends...
Tom/Lexi I didn't know... so you love me that much?
Lexi/ yes I really do
Tom/Lexi I have a question for you...
To be continued...
Riddle me thisssss
RomanceLexi a average 16 year old witch who met Tom riddle at the age of three has fallen in love with him and he has fallen in love with her they are a happy couple and... Lexi/hi people Tom/Lexi! Don't talk to strangers you know better Lexi/rolls eyes ok...