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The electric sound of the angel blade piercing the demon was music to Cait's ears. The clapping of Lucifer, was not. So of course, he had to come in and ruin her perfect moment.

"Outstanding, really amazing." His voice annoyed the h e l l out of Cait. Probably because she wanted the throne ( of hell give that ) and Lucifer did not deserve it. Demons were terrified of Cait, but even more terrified of Lucifer, and that's something hat had to change.

"What do you want, Luci-Poo."
Cait smirked widely, she loved calling him that, because he hated the crap out of it. "I told you not to call me that Cait." His voice growled, but Cait didn't even flinch, were as the demons behind Lucifer winced, backing away.

"I see your demons are scared of you. Hey little demons, you know if you join me, I won't kill you for no reason. Unless you do something stupid."
It was Cait's turn to growl, but not menacingly. More like, trying to comfort them, while also insulting Lucifer.

The demons hesitantly shuffled to stand behind Cait as Lucifer was pre occupied glaring at Cait.
Something that Cait noticed, was one demon stayed stood tall behind Lucifer. He wasn't an ordinary demon either. He was a prince of hell.

"I see you have your own heir. You know you could've chosen me, I would've loved to have the role."

Cait walked up to Lucifer resting her head on his chest, her finger drawing circles on his upper chest.
"I would've done you good." She whispered in his ear softly before walking away, heeled boots clicking against the floor.

"Cya around."


That was kinda like an epigraph / intoduction so yeah I hope you like it honestly this is so bad iDK WHAT I DO WITH MY LIFE.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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