Kiss & Run

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xkooklinex97 - AFF

In which Taeyang couldn't find a way to confess his love to Hwiyoung and ends up kissing him.


Taeyang thinks about everything. Taeyang thinks about maybe not confessing his liking towards the green-haired younger man is the good choice. Or maybe, letting out the pain from his chest is the good idea. He can't choose. He have told the youngest member, Chani, his feelings towards the man and Chani have told him to go for it, but Taeyang isn't sure about it so he asks again every time he and Chani are alone. Chani tries not to get annoyed so here they are. Talking about the eldest's problem, again. In the hotel room they shared together with Hwiyoung.

"You know, you don't have to worry. You can just sneak out to date, share kisses sneakily, I don't know, if you want a thing, there would always be a way." Chani shared his thought cautiously, trying not to roll his eyes at the older man.

"Well what if-" Taeyang excused.

"Cut off the what ifs. Hyung, you should know better. You've been saying what ifs every time i try to give an advice." Chani suddenly felt hurt at his last words. He feels like it's true.

"No! I just- I don't know. The media is dangerous." Said Taeyang as he bowed down his head. Suddenly he heard a clap that made him jump and looked up to see that it came from the younger man.

Looking confused, Taeyang was about to ask why he clapped but Chani spoke before he could ask. "Hyung, love shouldn't be like that. You know we can't always pretend we like the idea of the media, sure we're entertainers, idols, but like, this kind of life wouldn't always stay like this. We have our own life, the life that our parents give us and- I don't know, just," he paused, thinking what he were saying are off-topic. "I know you get my point. If you think what you feel is real and that you can make it work, the both of you, then bam. It's going to be worth it." Said the young rapper, almost breathless as he finished the last sentence whilst he noticed the impressed expression of his hyung.

"I don't know what advice I can give you hyung. I mean I've never fell in love so. But, if you want to hold his hands so bad and you can't say a word at the time of your confession— kiss him then you'll might find your words." Chani shrugged his shoulders as he lay down on his hotel bed, grabbing his phone on his left side to play.

Almost ignoring Taeyang's impressed expression on his right side and the next words the older had said, "Are you telling me to kiss him? ... Then confess?" Chani had just brought his thumbs up to say yes, feeling lazy to nod and say a word.

"Who's going to kiss who?" Hwiyoung asked as he entered the room and heard the kissing thing as Taeyang quickly turned his head around on Hwiyoung — surprise, shock, and panic entered his whole body — "No one!" Taeyang may have been gotten too defensive as his voice was too high-pitched and it was pretty deafening that had Hwiyoung surprised on his answer.

Taeyang saw the look on his face and quickly registered back to reality as he coughed, "I mean, no one. Why are you here? I thought you'd be talking to Inseong hyung?" Taeyang repeated with much more a normal voice and alters the subject.

Hwiyoung dropped the 'kissing thing' subject and let his bag land on a sofa near the bathroom door, "Well I decided I wanted to sleep and prepare my mind for our concert, and Inseong hyung let me so I'm here," Hwiyoung paused. Eye-ing the both guys, the long pause made Chani look up at him and curiosity filled Taeyang and Chani's mind, assuming there's still something Hwiyoung wanted to say. "But seems like you guys are having a deep talk and you don't want me to be here, and I guess, I can go if you want me to." Hwiyoung finished talking, the two boys noticed he was most likely referring to the kissing subject and Taeyang's question to him earlier. But Taeyang was fast enough to catch on before the green-haired man could leave.

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