Please, do not forget that your book must meet the essence of what the campaign is all about.
If your novel is not written in the male point of view, even if it may be in third person style of writing, then please, do not send in your entry.
This campaign is mainly about understanding the side of the male character in books.
To make it easier for everyone, the sticker will be attached to this chapter to save additional stress. You can just crop, edit and add it to your book cover.
We are also here to encourage the spirit of writing and to help if you've got questions concerning our campaign.
If you also have a friend whose story you think meets our criteria then you can nominate that person's book for acceptance.
Above all, remember readers and followers are also welcome to join the campaign. Everyone is important.
Start writing! We can't wait to see your entry! Let us know more about what the boys think!
What is #FreeTheMalePOV
Non-FictionEverything you need to know about the #FreeTheMalePOV campaign.