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Roman’s heart nearly stopped when Emery was caught by one of the Trags. The masked man had his burly arm around her small frame, holding her at gunpoint. A look of pure fear took over the beautiful girl’s face, as she stared wide-eyed at her beloved Roman. Roman’s hands clenched into fists and took on a fighting stance, ready to attack once the opportunity presented itself.

“Roman, I got this. Focus on deactivating the Suvek,” Grayson told the angry man in a firm voice. Roman glanced at the boy, mentally battling with himself if Grayson were to be trusted with saving the life of the girl he loves.  He closed his eyes and let out a nervous breath, and nodded in response. You better hope she doesn’t die, human.

Roman spared one last painful glance at Emery and despite the situation she was in, she managed to smile at him genuinely, reassuring him that she was going to be fine. That beautiful smile gave Roman the motivation he needed to deactivate the Suvek, and save the lives of the humans that were just below this building, enjoying the festivities of the parade.

Grayson busied himself with trying to talk the Trag to release Emery, while Roman quickly darted over to the ticking bomb, thirty seconds away from exploding. His heart raced with fear, anxiousness, and adrenaline. He spotted the key embedded into the Suvek, the only thing keeping the bomb activated. I have to stop this thing. Many lives are in my hands, and as future Ikson, I can’t let humans die on my watch.

Roman grasped the edge of the key firmly, and tugged with all his might. Blue light sparked from the keyhole as he continued to pull. As he focused his attention on the Suvek, Grayson was standing before the masked Trag, pointing his gun at him.

“Put your weapon down!” The Trag commanded, pushing his own gun into Emery’s head. Emery shut her eyes tightly, praying that she would get out of this situation unharmed. Her mind was swirling with thoughts of Roman, and the deadly weapon that was seconds away from ending many lives.

“Alright, alright,” Grayson said quickly, slowly lowering his arm. Just as he dropped the gun to the floor, a loud shot was heard, making Emery’s eyes grow wide.

“Grayson…” She cried out weakly, watching as Grayson’s own eyes went wide. He slowly looked down at himself, touching the wound in his chest, as if he didn’t believe what just occurred. “Grayson!” Emery shrieked in panic, watching him fall to his knees. Behind him, Zoe was standing with her arms raised, gun held firmly in her hands. A smirk took over the girl’s face, reveling in joy that she has shot Grayson.

Suddenly, Emery flung her head backwards, bashing the Trag’s face with the back of her head. The severity of the force behind her attack immediately rendered the Trag unconscious, falling to the ground in a heap. Zoe grinned wickedly, aiming the gun at Emery, determined to end her life as well.

“Oh, no you don’t!” A booming voice shouted from behind her.

Before Zoe could react, her lower stomach was pierced, shooting sharp sensations throughout her body. She let out a gasp in both surprise and pain, and fell to the ground.  Drake shoved the weapon back into his pocket, and kicked Zoe’s gun away from her reach.

Emery caught Grayson just before he hit the floor. She laid him across her lap, staring in horror at the small bullet wound in his chest that was spilling his blood quickly. Tears fell down her face, whimpering in fear for her friend. “Grayson, Grayson…”

Drake joined Emery’s side, looking down at the bleeding human sympathetically. Meanwhile, Roman was pulling at the key that was halfway out the Suvek. When he heard the gunshot, he immediately feared the worst. When he learned that it was Grayson who was harmed, Roman couldn’t help but feel thankful that it wasn’t Emery, as horrible as it sounds. His chest tightened in pain when he heard her cries, wanting desperately to comfort her. He stopped himself from running over to her; he had a much more important task to do, one that would end many lives if he failed.

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