Chapter 6

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Liam would never suggest going to sleep on someone as a puppy, then waking up as a human and naked. It's just very awkward for him. Not for Niall since he is still sleeping soundly, but for Liam...Well tomatoes might envy him for the redness in his face.

Liam cautiously untangled himself from the sleeping boy. Wincing when the boy moved around to get more comfortable, but he stayed asleep. The brunette headed toward the door, but stopped short. He was still naked. He tip toed to Niall's room and barrowed a shirt, jeans, and shoes. Surprisingly they all fit him pretty well. They were a bit tight, but over all pretty well.

Now he was set to leave the house. Casting one last glance at the sleeping figure, Liam opened the door. Although he left it open for a little longer. He felt like he should get Niall a blanket and that's what he did. After Niall was covered up in a blanket Liam walked out the door. Just leaving it a crack open as an excuse for why there was no longer a puppy in the house.

The brunette thought about going to see Zayn, but decided against it and just walked around. Not really in any aim to get somewhere. Just to walk. Sometimes walking in silence help him clear his mind, other times it would drive him nuts and over think about everything he'd done. This time was the former instead of the latter.

During his walk Liam stumbled upon the alley where he had been attacked and turned into a puppy. He scanned the place for his stuff. The brunette would be pissed if all his stuff was gone. He searched near the entrance of the alley. He didn't exactly want to go in deeper.

He didn't find his clothes, or more importantly his phone, Liam walked deeper into the alley. He kept looking at his surroundings. He didn't see any figures yet and went in a little deeper. He looked down at the ground and laying there in a folded pile was his clothes. Liam titled his head in confusion at the pile. He walked over and picked them up.

Everything was there folded up in a neat little pile, with Liam's phone on the top too. He grabbed the pile and slid his phone in his pocket. He all, but ran out of the alley. It was too much for him. First he's attacked, then he wakes up as puppy, the boy he helps bully takes care of him over the weekend, and now that? It was too confusing for him. He decided to return to his walk.

The sun was setting, it was starting to rain, and Liam was heading for home, hopefully for some normal food. As much as dog food actually tasted pretty good as a dog, he doesn't think he'll like it as a human. Liam strolled right into his house and into the kitchen. He banged around for a couple minutes, before deciding to just heat up some frozen pizza.

He pushed himself onto the counter top as he waited for the pizza the cook. Probably somewhere in his banging around Liam's parents heard him and came downstairs. They were shocked to find him; just sitting there on the counter top, playing some game on his phone.

"Hey." He greeted, not looking up from his phone.

"H-hello." Liam's mother stared at her son.

"Shit." The brunette mumbled under his breath. He slipped his phone into his, well Niall's, jean's front pocket. Looking up he finally saw his parent's expressions. He just gave them a little wave. They stared. The oven beeped and Liam slid off the counter top. He proceeded as normal: like he hadn't been gone for the weekend.

"Where have you been?" His father had finally asked. Luckily during Liam's walk he had been thinking of an excuse for his disappearance.

"A friend was feeling down, so I cheered them up. Didn't mean to stay for so long and I forgot my phone. Otherwise I would've texted." He shrugged. "Pizza?" He asked, holding a slice of the pizza he had cut while talking. His parents both shook their heads. "Alright." Liam happily munched on the pizza. Yes, it was much better than dog food.

"Well I'm going to head up to my room. See you tomorrow!" Liam said as he trotted to his room with a plate of pizza in one hand and a can of soda in the other.


He sat at his desk until the early hours of morning. The only light in his room was emitting from his laptop. He'd been reach searching what happened to him and all he got was stories about shape shifters and nothing helpful.

Liam yawned and looked at the time: 3am. He thought about searching longer, but sleep was inviting him. So the brunette closed his laptop and trudge over to his bed, fell onto it, and sleep came immediately.


oh look liam's no longer a puppy. i didn't know what else to do with him as a puppy so he's human again. also i go to camp on sunday so there won't be a new update until sometime after june 8th. just fyi. 

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