Fitz x reader (part 1)

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There were a few nights when I was able to sleep soundly, there were a few nights when instead of nightmares I got blissful emptiness when no thoughts nor problems bothered me.

Tonight was not one of those nights.

Instead tonight was one of the many nights where red dripped down my limbs; slipping down my fingers, hitting the floor with a thud that echoed in my ears; that blurred faces loomed in close, asking questions in muffled voices that I couldn't quite hear. 

Then he appeared; he would always appear clearer than the rest of the other demonic creatures, his voice shifting octaves as he lent in, his lips pressing against my ear.

"shh, shh, shh, you can stop crying now, your team left you, left you for dead, but it's OK. I've got you now, huh. I'm going to make you better, better than you ever were, stronger than before, and together, together we will kill them. I'll make you kill everyone you once held dear." His cold breath rang in my ears as a sharp pain hit the inside of my arm as he inserted a needle and pushed a strange liquid into it. 

"See, I'll make the pain go away"


"Y/n, Y/N!!" I felt strong hands grip my shoulders shaking me slightly.

I planted my hands on their chest and pushed them off, pulling a gun out from under my pillow, pointing it at the assailant.

"Woah, woah" a strong Scottish accent emerged for the darkness and, as my eyes adjusted to the low lighting, Fitz came into view, his hands in front between his face and the gun.

"Don't shoot, it's me"

"What on earth are you doing in my room Fitz?"

"Sorry, you were screaming, I was worried, just put the gun down please"

I lowered the weapon, letting out a shaky breath.

"Nightmare?" He asked

"No shit sherlock" I ran my fingers through my hair, sweat glistening across my skin.

"You want to talk about it?" He shifted closer to me.

"Nope." I replied shortly

"Come on Y/n, we both know this isn't the first time you've woken up like this,"

I raised an eyebrow at Fitz.

"I'm right next to your bunk, I can hear you screaming, this is the first time you've not woken yourself up though."

"I'm fine." I insisted,


"Fitz, please, I'm fine, I promise. It's nothing I'm not used to," I smiled slightly trying to reassure him, but a worried frown stretched across his forehead. "Look its late, just go back to bed."

Fitz hesitated slightly, but nodded and headed towards the door. Just as he reached for the handle he paused, "look, Y/n, I know that as an agent  you are supposed to be tough and all that, but I care about you, we all do. Please, if you are having problems, get help, if not from me then from Daisy or someone."

I pressed my lips together into a thin line and turned to inspect a loose thread on my sleeve as Fitz opened my door and stepped out into the corridor.

Sighing, I rolled up the sleeve showing a small screen implanted in my arm; a way to monitor me and my condition. The bars that showed my heartbeat, brain activity, muscle tension and oxygen levels slowly fell down back to a normal level as I slowed my breathing and tried to push the nightmare and Fitz out of my mind. As they did I stood up, I knew it was too early to get up but there was also no point in trying to get back to bed, not when I knew that he would be waiting for me in my dreams. Maybe Fitz was right, perhaps I should get help. I shook my head, there was no point, no one would understand, the only one who knew of my condition was Coulson and there was nothing he could do.

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