Steve x reader

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An: #Set after age of ultron but before civil war#

"What do you think about the new recruits?" Natasha asked walking up behind Steve.
They were stood on the balcony overlooking the training room.
"they fight fine individually but need to learn to work with the team."
Nat pursed her lips thoughtfully. "The more we have in the team the easier missions will become. We could begin to pick and choose our battles based on strengths"
"Banner could be excluded from more fights too, ?" Steve smirked, turning to Nat.
"He's not the best choice in certain fights" She kept her eyes locked on the downstairs. "and talking about recruits, Fury has another for us."
"They put her in operations but based on her enhanced abilities they believe we're better suited to training her." Nat passed Steve the file, "She's being shipped over tomorrow" with that she turned on her heels and walked down the steps into the gym.

"Agent L/N?" my head snapped up as I heard my name.
"uh, here" I answered standing up and sticking out my arm to greet the brown-haired man.
He nodded but ignored my outstretched hand, "follow me" he sauntered off down the hallway and into an elevator.

"New recruit" he announced as the elevator door slid open. He entered a large lounge area but I stayed stood in the doorway awkwardly watching as Steve-Fricking-Rogers stood up from the couch.
The brown-haired man rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist dragging me into the room before re-entering the elevator and leaving.
"Uh, sorry sir, I'm Y/N" I announced, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.
"Hi," he offered me a hand to shake "I'm Steve"
"I know." I admitted, taking his outstretched hand in mine "you're kind of famous"
"Yeah, avengers, wooo" a sarcastic voice howled out from the sofa causing Steve to laugh .
"That's Barton" he explained as the archer waved at me.
"Nat, Wanda, Sam, Vision, Bruce, and of course Tony" he pointed out the rest of the team who all seem to be sat watching some show.
"Yeah, but I don't need an introduction, do I darling?" Tony asked as he swooped to my side.
He picked up my hand in his and placed a kiss to my knuckles then stared at my face for a second or two before commenting "you're gorgeous, you know that right. I can see us getting along very well."
"Leave her alone Stark." Steve warned, placing a hand on his teammates shoulder.
"What? I'm just being gentlemanly" he exclaimed, feigning .
"Come with me," Steve beckoned "I want to test your training before I pit you against the rest of the recruits"
I nodded, this had been a common procedure at operations, making sure that no one got too badly hurt.
"oh come on!" I heard Stark exclaim as Steve led me away "how come he gets time alone with her?" there was a thump followed by "owww"

As I wrapped the binding around my knuckles I felt Steve's eyes on me. Not surprising since he had obviously read my file, I would expect someone to be curious.
"I'm curious" he started as a smirk spread across my lips "how did you end up with your powers?"
"I'm inhuman, they develop randomly during terrigenisis"
"You must be powerful, I've never heard of anyone with your range of talents"
I shrugged, "I have control over basic elements; earth, air, water, fire, metal. So yeah I have a wide range, but I doubt I'll be able to develop each attribute as much as a specialist could"
Steve nodded, "No powers on the mat, Ok?"
"Sure", I shot him a smile, followed by a punch.
He ducked out of the way, my knuckles brushing against his cheek slightly as he was taken by surprise.
"Going straight for it then" he raised an eyebrow as my grin spread even further.

We circled each other, sizing each other up. Until Steve jerked forward with a front jab which I easily knocked out the way, giving him a knee in the gut for his efforts. As his body crumpled slightly I pushed him back, allowing him to get back on his feet.
"You don't go easily do you"
We dodged punches and kicks for a good 5 or so minutes until I caught a side kick and twisted Steve's leg, causing him to buckle and collapse face first into the mat. I pinned his chest to the floor by kneeling on his back, twisting one arm behind him and pulling up the opposite leg at the knee; rendering him immobile.
"OK, OK I yield" I loosened my grip on the super soldier allowing him to roll over.
As he sat up he chucked "Wow, Ok I'll admit I didn't expect that. Come on let's go grab a drink"
I bit my lip as I watched him stretch out, a slight sweat glistening on his skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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