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Natsu's POV


Yosh! I found the room. Eh.. The door is open.. Hmm lets ignore that.. Now to find that banner.

It took me 7mins to find it.


Elfman's POV


"Eh.. Lucy forgot to lock the room. Yare Yare" I locked it from the outside.


Natsu's POV


Hmm~ Rock city boy~ Yeah yeah yea- Oh?

I tried to open the door but it wont buge then I heard someone then I hide


Lucy's POV


"Oh I packed lots of things It took me time to organize myself. Eh.. I forgot my hair towel.. Oh! Theres a spare here!" I rummage the area then I found it


Natsu's POV


OHMYGOD. L-LU-CY.. I-IN A-A L-LOOSE R-ROBE. AAHHH I had a nosebleed I tried so hard to hide and look away. then

"Oh. It fell" She picked it up and her robe fell in the process I could see her naked back. OHNOOO I-I NOSEBLEED OVERLOAD

W-WAIT DONT FALL! The box was hanging on the edge I tried to catch it but I failed and..


Im dead.

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