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I have never seen sunlight. I have only been told stories about the way it used to shine upon our heads, lighting up children's faces as it warmed our hearts and hugged our souls. I don't know about the clouds either. Or the sky or the stars. Not the real outside. In school they told us that a long time ago the sun had to take a nap and the stars that used to laugh with us around a campfire had to take their jokes elsewhere and the clouds I used to dream of sleeping on had become too hard for comfort and must be taken back to the store so that new ones could be made. They lied to me. The real outside was devastatingly sad because we had taken advantage of all it had to offer. The real outside was weeping because we had used it selfishly and thought it would always stay the way it was. We didn't think that our new advancements would harm it or that global warming was a real issue to talk about or that when the sky stopped being as blue as a robins egg that it was our own fault. We thought we were so innocent. We are not. Humans are the reason everything got so bad. Humans are the reason things continue to be bad and we pretend like we are fixing it. We've created an excuse for our actions and a way of living that does not solve our problems, but rather denies the efficiency of solving them.

The government has stolen all rights from us and controls the way we live down to the very minute. They've created a schedule in which we all must oblige to. Any disobedience is punishable by death. There are no exceptions. They've built a giant bubble to better control us. Yes, a literal bubble. The screen built over us reflects a sky full of stars that used to mischievously smile upon us and clouds that used to cartwheel softly across the vast blueness that no longer exists. Everything I live in is a lie and they thought they could make me their robot. I could never mindlessly obey a government that steals the point of living from our grasp. We were so naive and oblivious to all the problems that would eventually lead to our downfall. I wish I had been alive to at least try to change the reality that I now know was inevitable.

The governments of all the countries had decided to work together on this. It's rather comical that once the entire planet had become endangered, humanity had suddenly understood that we are not so different after all and we must come to a single agreement in order to save us all. They called their alliance the Unity of Powers. We are all expected to succumb to their dictations. And there are a lot of them.

First of all, school is required as it's always been. This is probably the only thing the government has not changed. Children start their education at 5 years old and end it when they turn 18. There is no college anymore. The UP believe it's a waste of time and instead of spending more time gathering information that they know we will not retain, they send us straight to work based on an end of education test, or Post-Ed test, that will tell us which job is best suited for us.

Second, there are no more vacations. No more Christmas, spring, or long summer breaks from school. We go year round with only weekends to relax our brains. Each weekday is scheduled specifically from the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep, but the weekend is the only time we are allowed to do as we please. The only vacation that is required by law is the week of Collection. This is the only holiday left and it shouldn't even be considered a holiday because there is no celebration behind a child being chosen for Collection. The child that is chosen is never seen again. They just disappear forever. The UP tell us they are working to discover a cure to our sick world using the most elite children in the school, but no one knows exactly what is being collected from the daughter or son who is chosen. No one dares to ask.

Lastly, water is prohibited. No one really understands this rule, but no one is stupid enough to test their luck either. There are no beaches, no baths, no pool parties. If you are to own a pool, you must never go in it. It would only be for show and there can never be more than half of it that is actually filled up. This is another stupid rule no one quite understands. Showers are allowed, however. We wouldn't want smelly people. But we can only shower once a day and they cannot last more than 7 minutes. I can do it in 4.

It's not so bad once you get used to the process. All the rules eventually become background music, hardly heard over the motions I complete so effortlessly; the schedules become robotic at this point. Half the time I move without thinking about what I'm doing. The movements have become so set in stone that I forget I have to pay attention to ensure the goal is met. But I'm sick of being a robot. I want to be doing more. I know I could be doing more. Why haven't I done more?


First off, a huge welcome to my (probably few) readers! I'm doing things a bit different this time and I'm attempting to stay in touch with you more and will be adding in these little notes from me. Please feel free to DM me and ask questions or comment! I don't bite I promise! I'm looking forward to a wonderful ride with everyone as I whip up a story I hope you'll all enjoy :D

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